Home Consciousness Beware, the Lion’s Gate is Open: Here Are the Biggest DOS & DON’TS During the 8/8 Portal

Beware, the Lion’s Gate is Open: Here Are the Biggest DOS & DON’TS During the 8/8 Portal

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The Lion’s Gate Portal will be at its height today, August 8th

The 8th of August has the numerology of 8/8, or 88. On that day, Sirius, the Star, and the Sun will align themselves in an auspicious formation called the Lion’s Gate Portal.

Here is a list of don’ts and dos that will let you make the best use of the magical cosmic energies.

The Biggest DOS During Lion’s Gate 8/8

• Decide On Some Goals

The recent new moon in Leo and the ongoing Mercury Retrograde will be supplying us with energy that will push us to make a fresh start. On top of that, there is the power of manifestation that 8/8 carries in numerology. As a result, the Lion’s Gate portal presents an extremely powerful opportunity for determining personal objectives. So, create a list of all the things that you wish to achieve. Then, focus all your energy on making the goals a reality.

• The Unexpected May Be a Pleasant Surprise

This cosmic event brings new opportunities to all zodiacs. But, sometimes, the best chances come from unexpected offers. Go where the flow takes you. This is the time to be open to every possibility in life.

• Aim Big

In astrology, Sirius symbolizes fame and wealth. And the sun energy of Leo will ask us to let our passions shine. This means that the Lion’s Gate portal is the time to dream big. Imagine the best life for yourself, and set big goals.

• Embrace Spirituality

Sirius is called the “spiritual sun”. Ancient human civilizations have all hailed the star’s annual appearance as an event of immense significance. This means August 8 is especially powerful for carrying out spiritual practices. One example is the ritual for the Lion’s Gate portal.

The Biggest DON’TS During Lion’s Gate 8/8

• Think the Universe Is Wrong

The Sun is the most powerful right now, since it’s Leo season. Coupled with the upcoming new moon in Leo, there will be a double dose of lion energy. This means our confidence will be just as boosted, so believe in the plan of the universe.

• Set A Limit to Yourself

According to numerology, the number 8 represents abundance. When seen from the side, the number is the infinity symbol, reflecting the infinite potential we have for magic. During this time, the energy doubles. So do away with beliefs that limit you and accept the infinite possibilities in life.

• Turn Away from Success

The manifestations of the portal to work need us to have full trust in them to work. So don’t retreat from success. Channel some confident, courageous Leo energy when you focus on the goals. Tell yourself that you are deserving of all the abundance.

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