Home Health & Wellness Use These Crystals to Protect Yourself from the Effects of Mercury Retrograde This Summer

Use These Crystals to Protect Yourself from the Effects of Mercury Retrograde This Summer

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Summer is in full swing! But this summer does not mean good news for everyone. For those who have been living under a rock, Mercury is in control of our communication and technology.

When Mercury retrogrades, it begins to impact all aspects of our lives. Mercury retrogrades are common, going 3–4 times every year. This time, the retrograde takes place in Virgo and Leo.

Mercury retrograde starts on August 5 in Virgo, bringing a time of deep contemplation and potential feelings of unease. When Virgo takes the stage, our analytical skills reach new heights, and we become consumed with matters at hand. During the retrograde period from August 5 to 14, our minds will be highly active and filled with numerous thoughts. Confrontations will only begin when Mercury retrograde backtracks into Leo, from August 14 to 28. During this time, we can anticipate a surge in messiness and drama. The final two weeks of Mercury retrograde will see the planet shift into reverse gear in Leo. Mercury in Leo exudes confident and assertive energy.

Keep a check on yourself. And if you really want to stay protected, go for these crystals:

1. Amethyst

With the feminine energy of Amethyst, you can activate your creative forces. You can finally communicate your needs and start activating your passionate side. Writing and painting will become your way of dealing with the retrograde. Express yourself through your art.

Using it: Start with your creative projects. In order to open up your third eye, meditate with an amethyst crystal. Write down all your themes. Start planning.

2. Danburite

Mercury retrogrades bring a lot of stress. After all, technology and communication are important parts of our lives, and when these take a hit, we invite more stress. But Danburite makes it all simple for us. It relieves our minds from the tendency to speed up in this fast-paced world and controls our worries.

Using it: It acts like a deep breathing remedy when you have a panic attack. It cancels out any misunderstanding, and the vibration levels will bring peace to our minds. Let peace fall over you during this period with this crystal.

3. Smoky Quartz

Summertime is a great time for vacations, but it’s also when retrograde comes into play! Smoky quartz brings you luck and safety, which are generally associated with travel. It can also help by grounding you—something necessary during Mercury Retrograde.

Using It: Keep it like a pendant when you are going somewhere for travel. Use it for grounding purposes, too.

4. Amazonite

Communication will get really difficult during this retrograde. How do I get a cure? Well, you can bring in your stronger game in communication with the Amazonite stone. It will clear up your mental processes and help you express things better. It will also help you improvise when you are having discussions.

Using it: Meditate with this stone if you are going for a serious conversation with a lover or a boss. Keep it with you during the conversation. You will see how smoothly it goes.

Be armed with these wonderful crystals. The Mercury Retrograde, therefore, can’t do you any harm.

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