Home Consciousness 8 Ways to Use the Strong Energy of the Full Moon (2 Days Before & After It)

8 Ways to Use the Strong Energy of the Full Moon (2 Days Before & After It)

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Let’s talk about this!

If you are able to make effective use of the energy that the full moon provides, it can be truly remarkable. The only significant drawback associated with the use of full moon energy is the feelings that are triggered by its utilization.

This means that everything that is happening or will happen in your mind and body will be amplified while the moon is in its full phase. In the event that you were feeling a little down, you might become distressed and overcome with grief. You might experience ecstasy if you were once happy, and so on and so forth. With the following guidance, you will be able to better prepare yourself and make effective use of the moon’s energy for the greater good.

1. Don’t just go with the flow; clear your intentions with this energy. Don’t just go with the flow.

2. Do everything in your power to channel positive energy toward those who need it. When you are in the best part of your life, you can accomplish this through your thoughts.

3. Engage in regular meditation. Keeping your composure will be easier if you do this activity by yourself or with a group of people.

4. Allow your imagination to run wild and exercise your creative side.

5. Make an effort to keep a pleasant frame of mind. (During this time, your positive thoughts will keep multiplying, which will help you feel more lifted.)

6. Stay away from any topic that has the potential to or will become a source of contention. (We ought to maintain our silence and steer clear of confrontations with other people while the moon is full.)

7. Ignore anything that has the potential to bring you down. Don’t let the insignificant things bother you; instead, treat them as if they were nothing. Keeping your positive attitude with you is very important.

8. Refrain from allowing this energy to overwhelm your being. (If you are given the opportunity to break free, this energy will take control; therefore, you should do everything in your power to maintain control.)

When dealing with this energy, exercise caution, but avoid becoming overly anxious to the point that your experience with it becomes unfavorable. The energy that we harness from the full moon is truly remarkable, and it has the potential to be of great use to us.

You are going to have a wonderful time with the energy of the full moon if you follow the things that have been mentioned above.

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