Home Consciousness September 2024 Moons: Virgo New Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

September 2024 Moons: Virgo New Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Feel the magic of September with the enchanting Virgo New Moon and prepare to be captivated by the second Lunar Eclipse of the year, this time in the mystical sign of Pisces.

Let’s find out the boundless possibilities that await us in the future together.

What exactly is a New Moon?

A New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac, which is referred to as a conjunction. The transiting Sun and Moon are both moving. In addition to having a high level of energy and enthusiasm, new moons are associated with beginnings.

What exactly is a Full Moon?

When the Sun and Moon are in positions in the Zodiac that are completely opposite to one another, this is referred to as an opposition. This type of moon is known as a full moon. The full moon is associated with conclusion and culmination, as well as a source of emotional energy.

What exactly is a Lunar Eclipse?

The conjunction of the Sun and Moon, which are celestial bodies in motion, causes a full moon to occur. The emotional energy of a full moon is associated with endings and culminations. When a full moon is within 18 1/2 degrees of the lunar nodes, which are the points where the moon’s orbit crosses the ecliptic, an eclipse of the moon can be observed.

New Moon in Virgo: September 2nd/3rd 2024 (9:56 p.m. ET/3:56 a.m. CET)

The Virgo New Moon presents a wonderful opportunity to accomplish tasks efficiently and effectively. Virgo governs work, including small projects, tasks, chores, and the finer details. This celestial influence enables us to concentrate on our responsibilities with heightened productivity and efficiency. This is the perfect time to start projects that you can finish quickly, and concentrate your efforts on smaller tasks.

During this New Moon, the influence of Mercury, the natural ruler of Virgo, being in retrograde caused a decline in productivity and efficiency. As a result, we experienced a series of minor setbacks. The Virgo New Moon presents an opportunity for you to effectively address tasks that you may have overlooked in the previous month. It’s a perfect time to create a list and prioritize completing those unfinished tasks.

During this New Moon, it is important to prioritize our health and well-being, ensuring that we take proper care of ourselves. Performing routine maintenance is essential for various aspects of our lives. Whether it’s our cars, computers, homes, or even our physical bodies, regular checkups are crucial.

Prior to this New Moon, Pluto retrogrades back to Capricorn, giving us the opportunity to address any remaining Capricorn matters that require our attention. In November, Pluto will transition out of this sign, marking the end of a significant period. With approximately 2 1/2 months remaining, it is crucial to focus on our goals, direction, and responsibilities to make any necessary final adjustments.

Uranus also turns retrograde the day before this New Moon, so it may seem that our options for making the desired changes are limited. Increased impatience and impulsiveness could potentially surface during this period. It is important to maintain control and approach changes methodically, breaking them down into manageable steps and proceeding one step at a time. In this way, we have the ability to bring about changes in a methodical and intelligent manner.

The New Moon occurs at 11 degrees 4 minutes Virgo.

The aspects to the New Moon are:

Conjunction: 9 degrees 4 minutes – 13 degrees 4 minutes Virgo

Sextile: 9 degrees 4 minutes – 13 degrees 4 minutes Cancer or Scorpio

Square: 9 degrees 4 minutes – 13 degrees 4 minutes Gemini or Sagittarius

Trine: 9 degrees 4 minutes – 13 degrees 4 minutes Taurus or Capricorn

Opposition: 9 degrees 4 minutes – 13 degrees 4 minutes Pisces

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: September 17th/18th 2024 (10:35 p.m. ET/4:35 a.m. CET)

In mid-September, we will experience the second Lunar Eclipse of 2024, which will occur in the water sign Pisces. This event marks the beginning of an entirely new set of eclipses. Eclipses come in pairs of opposing signs, and we are currently experiencing them in Libra and Aries. That continues for a little while longer (the next Solar Eclipse is in Libra), but our attention is now shifting towards the initiation of a fresh eclipse set, signifying the beginning of a new chapter, journey, or focus.

In Pisces, we may find ourselves drawn to exploring our spirituality, tapping into our intuition, delving into our subconscious, uncovering hidden truths, and reflecting on the past. We can focus on improving our inner selves independently and calmly. This particular eclipse holds significant importance for those born under the sign of Pisces, as it marks the culmination of the Zodiac cycle. Lunar Eclipses, known for their association with endings, suggest that this eclipse may bring about the completion of a significant endeavor.

This eclipse has the potential to be significant in helping you let go of any burdens or negative energies that may be holding you back. The eclipse holds significant spiritual and subconscious energy, presenting us with a challenging encounter from our past or within ourselves. It is critical that we confront this issue, cultivating understanding and introspection, and ultimately releasing it to free ourselves from its burden.

The Lunar Eclipse forms a sextile aspect with Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn, while also aligning with ruler Neptune in Pisces. The sextiles to Uranus and Pluto provide valuable assistance in navigating through changes and transformations, while Neptune enhances the Pisces energy as its ruler. It’s worth noting that Saturn is in Pisces, although it’s not directly aligned with this eclipse. However, it could still exert some influence.

It is important to approach our actions with wisdom and ensure that we are expressing ourselves in a healthy and positive manner. When the Eclipse makes contact with all three outer planets, it has the potential to propel us into the future and reveal our destiny. It wouldn’t be surprising if we witnessed significant global events during this eclipse, perhaps even multiple ones.

It is highly probable that we will experience heightened fatigue due to the combination of a Lunar Eclipse and the influence of Pisces, Neptune, and Saturn. It is important to prioritize self-care and ensure we are giving ourselves ample time to rest and recharge after any taxing activities, as we tend to feel more depleted. This level of fatigue can encompass various aspects of your being, including the physical, mental, emotional, subconscious, and spiritual realms.

The Lunar Eclipse occurs at 25 degrees 41 minutes Pisces.

Aspects to the Lunar Eclipse are:

Conjunction: 20 degrees 41 minutes – 29 degrees 59 minutes Pisces

Semisextile: 23 degrees 41 minutes – 27 degrees 41 minutes Aries or Aquarius

Sextile: 20 degrees 41 minutes – 29 degrees 59 minutes Taurus or Capricorn

Square: 20 degrees 41 minutes – 29 degrees 59 minutes Gemini or Sagittarius

Trine: 20 degrees 41 minutes – 29 degrees 59 minutes Cancer or Scorpio

Quincunx: 23 degrees 41 minutes – 27 degrees 41 minutes Leo or Libra

Opposition: 20 degrees 41 minutes – 29 degrees 59 minutes Virgo

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