Home Health & Wellness Make the Most of Virgo Season 2024 with These 3 Healing Crystals

Make the Most of Virgo Season 2024 with These 3 Healing Crystals

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

As the Sun shifts to the earth sign of Virgo, we will receive some grounding energy to help us move away from the fire of Leo season.

Virgo season 2024 starts on 23rd August, and the Sun will move into Libra on 22nd September.

Mercury, the ruling planet of Virgo, will influence our communications in the coming weeks.

Here are 3 crystals that can help you harness the energy of Virgo season:

1. Rhyolite

Virgos love to put their all into their work but forget to make time for fun. Rhyolite crystals can add some fun to this Virgo season and help us take a break.

It activates the Root Chakra and helps us stay grounded. It brings positive changes and revitalizes us. If you’re trying to manifest your dreams, make sure you have a Rhyolite nearby.

2. Rhodonite

Rhodonite gives the energy of unconditional love and opens our Heart Chakra. The influence of Mercury on Virgos makes them overly analytical, and they often get stuck in their heads. This is why Rhodonite can assist us in achieving a balance between the mind and the heart.

Virgos tend to close themselves in, suffering from their wounds alone. The only way to heal is to start loving yourself. Rhodonite crystals can help release deep-seated painful memories that are still hurting us. Virgo season or not, Rhodonite can help us in times of stress by replacing our anxieties with self-love.

3. Kyanite

This empowering crystal works well with the intellectual energy that Virgos exude. If you are stuck in a messy situation, Kyanite can bring clarity. It also protects us from negative energy while helping us connect and communicate with others. It resolves conflicts, both inner and external.

During the Virgo season, we tend to become overly critical and demanding of ourselves and others. Kyanite will help us draw the boundaries and stop us from chasing unachievable perfection.

As we jump into a practical and hard-working phase now, let’s not forget the other aspects of life. If we can take care of those around us, they will do the same for us.

Enjoy the 2024 Virgo season!

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