Home Consciousness Supermoon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: This Time, Stay Inside & Don’t Charge Your Crystals

Supermoon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: This Time, Stay Inside & Don’t Charge Your Crystals

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

During eclipse season, it is most beneficial to engage in deep introspection rather than focusing on charging crystals and manifesting desires.

As we approach the autumnal equinox, we are graced with the final full moon of summer, which will beautifully align with a partial lunar eclipse on September 17/18, 2024. Although this lunation holds immense potential for transformation, introspection, and emotional release, there are compelling reasons to reconsider charging your crystals during the full moon in September.

As the full moon reaches its zenith on September 17/18 at 25 degrees of Pisces, a sign governed by Neptune—the celestial body associated with dreams, spirituality, and the blurring of lines between the material and ethereal worlds—it is clear that this lunar event will be imbued with potent energy.

As the full moon graces the night sky, we witness the sun in direct opposition to the moon, creating a dynamic interplay between these celestial bodies. This alignment heralds a period of completion and realization, inviting us to reflect on our intentions and the fruits of our labor.

In the realm of astrology, the moon embodies our deepest emotions, the intricate tapestry of our feelings, and our need for nurturing, whereas the sun presides over our sense of self, our identity, and the way we express ourselves physically.

Eclipses herald profound transformations in our lives, often marking pivotal endings and new beginnings. They illuminate the areas where we must let go and embrace change, guiding us toward necessary transformations.

Discover the essential insights regarding the upcoming full moon and the reasons why you should avoid charging your crystals during this time.

What Makes the Full Moon in September Also Considered an Eclipse?

The full moon in Pisces this September aligns with a partial lunar eclipse, creating a potent celestial event. In the celestial dance of a lunar eclipse, the Earth gracefully interposes itself between the radiant sun and the luminous moon, casting a shadow that envelops the moon’s surface in a moment of cosmic intrigue. This phenomenon occurs when the sun’s rays are obstructed, leading to a momentary shadow cast upon the moon’s surface, creating a captivating darkening effect.

Though full moons grace us with their presence each month, lunar eclipses are rare occurrences, appearing only twice a year. The energy surrounding these celestial events can amplify emotions, making every aspect of your life feel more pronounced. The influence of a full moon generally extends for a period of up to two weeks, while the effects of a lunar eclipse may unfold over a span of approximately six months.

Reasons to Avoid Charging Crystals During an Eclipse

Engaging in the practice of charging your crystals or attempting to manifest during an eclipse may not yield the most favorable outcomes. Have you ever contemplated the impact of that “shadow” cast upon the sun or moon on your manifestation journey? It is essential to recognize that engaging in manifestation rituals during an eclipse may not yield the desired outcomes.

During an eclipse, the sun and moon temporarily obscure their radiant light, creating a shadow that represents the energies we are releasing and transforming in our lives. The blockage of illumination may result in increased emotional fervor and uncertainty, subsequently influencing your manifestation practices.

You would be better off using this time for self-reflection rather than trying to charge crystals or manifest your desires, as the current energies might not align with your intentions.

When is the Best Time to Charge Your Crystals During the Eclipse Season?

Eclipse seasons manifest every six months, each cycle presenting a pair of eclipses—one solar and one lunar, inviting us to explore the profound shifts they bring into our lives. It is advisable to hold off on charging your crystals until the conclusion of the eclipse season.

The cosmos has ushered us into the final eclipse season of the year. Following the partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17/18, we will witness an annular solar eclipse in Libra on October 2, 2024.

Following this date, the cosmic energies will start to find their equilibrium. Therefore, it is advisable to hold off until the full moon in Aries on October 17 to charge your crystals and set your intentions for manifestation.

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