Home Consciousness November 2024 Moons: Scorpio New Moon & Full Moon in Taurus

November 2024 Moons: Scorpio New Moon & Full Moon in Taurus

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

As November 2024 unfolds, we are graced with the intensity of a Scorpio New Moon, followed by the unwavering energy of a Taurus Full Moon.

What insights may unfold before us?

What exactly is a New Moon?

A New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac, which is referred to as a conjunction. The transiting Sun and Moon are both moving. In addition to having a high level of energy and enthusiasm, new moons are associated with beginnings.

What exactly is a Full Moon?

During a Full Moon, the Sun and Moon align in opposite positions in the Zodiac, creating a powerful celestial event. Full Moons are often associated with the conclusion of cycles, reaching a peak, and carrying a strong emotional charge.

New Moon in Scorpio: November 1st 2024 (7:47a.m. ET/1:47p.m. CET)

The Scorpio New Moon ushers in a wave of intensity and passion characteristic of Scorpio, amplifying our focus on this lunar energy. As a result, we find ourselves particularly driven and enthusiastic about embarking on new beginnings, ventures, projects, and journeys in life. We recognize the advantages this presents, and we can be enthusiastic about our approach and the outcomes it yields.

Scorpio represents change, indicating that we might begin new and positive transformations. Some individuals may initiate rapid changes and observe outcomes within a week or two, while others may engage in prolonged transformations that can extend for years. No matter where we land, we can embrace this with enthusiasm and carry it through to completion.

Scorpio governs “other people’s money,” referring to funds that are not solely ours and have broader implications. Consider factors such as taxes, loans, debts, inheritances, joint finances, business finances, stocks, investments, and more. This New Moon may enhance our attention to these aspects, and we could initiate new collaborative endeavors that benefit all involved.

Scorpio possesses a strong inclination for research and investigation, ensuring that when we seek to uncover the essence of an issue, we will persistently delve deeper until we achieve clarity. Under Scorpio’s influence, there is no enigma we cannot unravel, no challenge we cannot address, and no hidden truth we cannot reveal. Maintaining our focus allows us to assert control. This can foster a sense of empowerment, allowing us to embrace our personal power with greater comfort.

Pluto, the natural ruler of Scorpio, holds anaretic significance for this New Moon. Each Zodiac sign comprises 30 degrees, with 29 degrees representing the final degree. The anaretic degree is characterized by supercharged energy and an incredibly strong influence from Pluto. Pluto is exiting Capricorn eighteen days after this New Moon, signaling the conclusion of this transit.

The New Moon is likely encouraging us to swiftly take significant action before Pluto’s transition. This New Moon presents us with a final opportunity to take decisive action. We simply need to accept it.

The New Moon occurs at 9 degrees 35 minutes Scorpio.

The aspects to the New Moon are:

  • Conjunction: 7 degrees 35 minutes – 11 degrees 35 minutes Scorpio
  • Sextile: 7 degrees 35 minutes – 11 degrees 35 minutes Virgo or Capricorn
  • Square: 7 degrees 35 minutes – 11 degrees 35 minutes Leo or Aquarius
  • Trine: 7 degrees 35 minutes – 11 degrees 35 minutes Cancer or Pisces
  • Opposition: 7 degrees 35 minutes – 11 degrees 35 minutes Taurus

Full Moon in Taurus: November 15th 2024 (4:28 p.m. ET/10:28 p.m. CET)

The Full Moon in November graces us with its presence in Taurus, a sign known for its slow and steady nature. It seeks to unwind, pause, take a breather, and enjoy some tranquility. Given the emotional intensity of Full Moons, it might be beneficial to take a step back and relax a bit. Why concern ourselves with the weighty matters? We can tackle it later. There’s no reason to become overly anxious; everything will resolve itself in due time.

The Taurus Full Moon may bring a sense of stubbornness, making it less inclined to change, which could result in a slower pace than usual. When we become emotionally invested in something, we resist changing our stance, even when we recognize our mistakes. Getting started requires more effort, but once we begin, we can maintain our momentum.

Taurus governs stability and security, allowing us to focus on eliminating obstacles to these essential aspects of our lives. This may also encompass our inner selves, our self-esteem, and our confidence, and we can strive to let go of anything that has been negatively impacting how we perceive ourselves.

This Full Moon aligns with Uranus in Taurus, potentially leading to unexpected developments that we might feel too complacent and resistant to address. We must ensure we discover the drive necessary to propel ourselves forward, preventing any distractions from derailing our progress.

The conjunction to Uranus may herald a significant transformation, aligning with Pluto’s transition into Aquarius just four days following this Full Moon. Significant transformations are underway as Pluto transitions from Capricorn to Aquarius for the next two decades. This Full Moon may signify the conclusion of a transformation in our lives, and we can appreciate the journey we’ve undertaken.

Mercury will enter its retrograde phase, seemingly moving backward, beginning ten days after this Full Moon. This marks the final lunation before Pluto officially transitions into a new sign and the onset of Mercury retrograde. This is the final opportunity to draw significant conclusions with Pluto, and also the final moment to prepare ourselves before the retrograde begins. Release what no longer serves you during the Full Moon, enhance your sense of stability and security, and take the time to rest if necessary. Allow some flexibility in your plans to avoid feeling overwhelmed when the retrograde starts.

The Full Moon occurs at 24 degrees 1 minute Taurus.

Aspects to the Full Moon are:

  • Conjunction: 22 degrees 1 minute – 26 degrees 1 minute Taurus
  • Sextile: 22 degrees 1 minute – 26 degrees 1 minute Cancer or Pisces
  • Square: 22 degrees 1 minute – 26 degrees 1 minute Leo or Aquarius
  • Trine: 22 degrees 1 minute – 26 degrees 1 minute Virgo or Capricorn
  • Opposition: 22 degrees 1 minute – 26 degrees 1 minute Scorpio

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