On January 20th, we will welcome the Aquarius season, represented by Aquarius, the air sign and water bearer.
The gift that the water bearer has is going to clear that pain body of the Mother Earth, utilizing all the healing abilities of water. Water has the ability to absorb every emotion on the planet, release it, transform it, and even elevate it to higher levels of consciousness.
The energy of Aquarius is energizing and healing, and it is going to lift the veil of challenging emotions, giving us the ability and inspiring us to see our world from different perspectives.
While we are moving out of Capricorn and all the heaviness this earth sign provided us with and entering into Aquarius and all the lightness this air sign will provide us with, we will feel encouraged and freer to think more broadly and use imagination more frequently.
The season of Capricorn did everything in order to make us take some practical steps, clear our goals, or even start being responsible for them. During that season, we all established our own paths. However, in the season of Aquarius, we may stray from it a little bit, venturing to see the new inspirations that wait for us.
As we now have the foundation we need, we will be able to spread the wings. We will have the ability to express ourselves, leaving the path’s stability as we know that we may return to that stability later, just if there is a need to return.
We will be free to explore and travel or open ourselves up to some higher imagination realms.
Under the season of Aquarius, our mind will be a very powerful tool, so we will be able to take the goal settings we built since the beginning of 2025 and use this moment to follow our wishes and desires.
The sign of Aquarius is a number 11 sign in the Zodiac, so manifesting the wishes and following our goals will feel much easier under the energy of the number 11.
The energy of Aquarius is going to encourage us and motivate us to follow our desires and wishes and aim high, so we can live that life that we always wanted to live. It will motivate us to express ourselves and think bigger.
The energy of the air sign also desires from us to speak the truth and be a unique individual. However, it also encourages us to consider the impact our words and actions have on those around us, as well as the creation of our community.
It will be quite significant to speak our truth, but another more important thing would be to make sure that speaking the truth is done with empathy, kindness, and even compassion toward other people.
During the season of Aquarius, we will feel guided about not simply going after our own goals but ensuring that those goals will have a good effect on humanity in general.
We can also feel the need to pay attention to our environment and think about Mother Earth’s well-being.
Our planet definitely needs great support, even greater than before, so the one way in which we may help her would be to be conscious and take responsibility for the energy within us or the actions we take.
When we are led to do what feels right for the planet Earth, other people will definitely follow, so we will have the ability to create effects that can be felt worldwide.
With the crisis occurring around the world, sometimes it may be difficult to know whether there is anything that we may do in order to make the difference; however, the truth is that everything starts within us.
When we are prepared to change this world, we can start with loving ourselves and then permit the same love to spread around to our family, neighbors, our town, and country until that love touches this world.
We have the ability to turn the planet around or turn the quality of our lives around as we will focus on gratitude, joy, and the radiance that lies within us.
Life can be difficult at times, filled with a great deal of pain and suffering, but when we have the ability to temporarily escape from all of that and remember our responsibilities to care for our planet, we may find our own calling.
Every one of us is part of this, and every one of us has something to give or just offer to this world and to ourselves too. Under the season of Aquarius, we have to make an effort in order to make sure that we are directing our planet towards its brighter future.
We should permit the air sign to do his job. We should let him carry all those heavy and watery emotions coming from our soul, our planet, or our home, and then let him shift and transform them into joy, creativity, gratitude, and love.
We can see ourselves rising in this process. As we enter the season of Aquarius, the sign number 11, we should not miss the chance to take all those energies that are offered to us and make the world a much better place for every one of us.
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