Even though there is an infinite number of stars in the night sky, four of them appear to have caught the eye of ancient astrologers. The four stars—Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares, and Fomalhaut—make up what are called the Royal Stars.
It seems like these stars are especially important and have a divine meaning in many parts of the world. The mystique and power of these stars seem to have been known to our prehistoric forebears. The possibility exists that the celestial beings themselves imparted this wisdom to them.
Legend has it that the Royal Stars watch over the heavens and lead people to other dimensions of awareness. Every one of these fixed stars occupies a specific spot in the night sky, making a nearly perfect square or, possibly, drawing a path for energy.
Being in the presence of these Royal Stars in your birth chart or the cosmic sky is a sign of immense good fortune, but with great power comes great responsibility. Their vibrations are powerful and auspicious.
The alignment of our Sun with Fomalhaut, one of these stars, activates a sacred energy gateway once a year, between the 22nd and 24th of February.
Energetics of the Fomalhaut
Sometimes people will refer to Fomalhaut as the star that is the loneliest. At first glance, it appears to be lighting up a portion of the night sky all by itself. It is distinctive while remaining independent.
The activation of the Fomalhaut Stargate may cause us to experience a desire to withdraw from the world or to engage in introspection. It is possible that we would like to sit in silence with ourselves or keep a journal in order to discover our most profound thoughts and emotions.
Who are we when no one is out there to observe us? Who do we become when we are by ourselves? We are encouraged by the Fomalhaut Stargate to embark on a journey that will take us deeper into ourselves, for us to peel back the layers, and for us to connect with more of our authenticity.
It has been asserted that beyond the Fomalhaut Stargate lies a different dimension that is characterized by the presence of reds, pinks, magentas, and purples. This dimension is said to be a place where life is substantially different from what we experience in this reality.
Due to the fact that he is the protector of this crossing, Fomalhaut has one foot in this world and one foot in the next. Additionally, it moves between the state of death and the state of rebirth in a kind of dance.
In this way, Fomalhaut serves as a reminder that everything must eventually disappear. Change, evolution, and rebirth are the forces that have the power to transform everything in life.
Harnessing the Power of the Fomalhaut Gateway
We can harness some of this energy as the Sun crosses with Fomalhaut to help us see things in a new light, unleash our creativity, and fix things that aren’t working.
You can use Fomalhaut to put an end to things that aren’t helping you or to bring closure to situations because of its strong association with the rebirth and death cycles.
Now is a powerful moment to tie up loose ends and cut ties with bad habits once and for all, but we need to be prepared to do it. The energy of Fomalhaut can be quite powerful, particularly in this field of work; therefore, it is helpful if we are sincerely dedicated to letting go.
If we are going through a difficult or stressful period, or if our own energetic field is weak, the energy of Fomalhaut can easily zap us. You should be more delicate if that’s the case.
If you want to tap into the power of the Fomalhaut Gateway, try placing a natural offering on your altar and meditating softly on the cosmic energies at work today. Take a deep breath in and let them guide you.
This cord-cutting ritual is useful if you’d rather have a plan. Before releasing those cords under the Fomalhaut Gateway, be sure you’re ready because its energies will be amplified:
Fomalhaut Gateway: Cord Cutting Ritual
Step One
Make an offering to the Fomalhaut energies and place it on an altar or table. Some examples of such items are edibles, candles, crystals, a basin of water, and sacred talismans.
Step Two
Sitting near your altar, start by clearing your aura and the area around you with your chosen aura-cleansing tool.
Step Three
Identify exactly which cords you want to cut. You can sever ties with an individual, a habit, or a pattern of behavior. Get some paper and jot it down. With the paper folded and held in your hands, pronounce:
“I am prepared to move on from this. I am prepared to let go. I am prepared to sever these connections.”
Step Four
Relax into the process by closing your eyes and requesting assistance from your angels or spirit guides.
Step Five
The next step is to repeat this mantra:
“Dear Spirit Guides, I am grateful for the lessons and experiences I have gained from the many ties that have bound me together throughout my life. But now I beg you to assist me in healing gently, in letting go, and in severing any etheric cords that are holding me back from reaching my full potential. Please, I pray, cut all ties that bind me to anything that isn’t in harmony with love, light, and positive energy. Help me understand what they were attempting to teach me and then gently let them go. It is greatly appreciated.”
Recite the mantra 2 or 3 times if necessary. Visualizing the cords being released is another option.
Step Six
Properly burn the paper and dispose of the ash.
Step Seven
Make sure your altar stays lit for a minimum of one day.
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