Home Consciousness Embrace the Magic Within with These Pisces Season Rituals

Embrace the Magic Within with These Pisces Season Rituals

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by Conscious Reminder

If you want to wave a wand during this spiritually significant zodiac season, try out these Pisces season rituals.

Are you someone who believes in magic? Pisces season is all about dreamy vibes, and they have the power to make even the most cynical person want to sign up for a semester at Hogwarts in an instant. The sign of Pisces, which is ruled by the hazy Neptune, is a spellcaster.

Pisces Season Rituals

• Question your assumptions. Are you sure they meant that?

During this four-week cycle, it’s crucial to question everything! Despite the mind-bending nature of reality shifts, you cannot rely solely on your senses. Trust your gut, your spiritual experiences, and the serendipitous events that come your way. There will be some that are so eye-catching that they appear to have come from another planet.

Avoid wasting time arguing with the self-proclaimed cynic in your family because it’s unlikely that you can prove these things on paper. However, you should investigate anything that strikes a chord with you intuitively. It is now common practice to consult an oracle deck or read a book supposedly channeled from a thousand-year-old god before making a significant life decision. Feel free to take in Abraham’s messages through Esther Hicks or use the Wheel of Fortune tarot card to solidify your cross-country relocation.

But before you jump to conclusions, make sure you have all the facts, particularly when it comes to money or health prescriptions! One danger of Pisces season is being naïve, while another is being overly skeptical (thinking about everything with an eyebrow up).

• Unleash the power of your intuition.

The Pisces season encourages you to rely on more than just your eyesight. The third eye chakra (ajna) sits between your eyebrows on your forehead and is thought to open your intuition and sixth sense. It is possible to block the ajna portal, just as you can with any chakra. Because of this, you might start to doubt your abilities and make decisions based on your ego, which can lead to disappointing outcomes. For the Pisces season ritual, you can try meditating or seeing an energy healer to help you open your third eye. By releasing tension in the shoulders and flushing the pineal gland, yoga poses like forward folds help restore the flow of energy to the third eye.

• Water is life, so always keep that in mind.

The Fish sign of the zodiac is ruled by the mythical god of the seas, Neptune. The state of our water sources and oceans is of the utmost importance during the Pisces season. Some of the terrifying facts about the polar ice caps melting and the sea levels rising can be difficult to swallow. Rather than presenting these “inconvenient truths” emotionally, NASA’s climate website offers a wealth of factually sound teaching resources.

The Pisces seasonal ritual allows you to help protect the world’s water supplies, even though no one can do it all. Avoid using plastics as much as possible; they end up in the ocean (even if you recycle them) and end up polluting the food chain when fish eat them. Make sure you have a refillable water bottle on hand. Indulge in a luxurious ritual by treating yourself to a stunning glass bottle, perhaps one embellished with a crystal.

• Channel your inner superstar.

Make room at your table for the inspiration. Also, let this soul enter your aspirations and the recording studio! The season in Pisces is like a long journey of self-discovery. During these four weeks, the veil is thinner, allowing one to more easily pick up “messages” transmitted through the ether. Sit down with a pen and paper to record your unconscious thoughts and feelings as part of this Pisces season ritual. If you were born under this solar cycle, you may develop a penchant for poetry similar to that of Anais Nin or Ntozake Shange. During this Pisces season, you may find that your dreams are more meaningful and insightful than usual, so it’s a good idea to keep a journal next to your bed.

Does the same creative wall keep appearing? Our go-to recommendation for a legendary manual on embracing your creative self is The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Consistently penning “Morning Pages” is among the most transformative practices. As a first step, sit down with a pen and paper and write three pages of your random, unstructured thoughts. You won’t believe how healing this practice can be and how many previously unrecognized treasures you unearth along the way.

Anticipate that this will also serve as a therapeutic process! As a symbol of freedom and independence, the Pisces fish invites you to soar to new heights and embrace the waves during Pisces season. Forget about trying to be perfect or passing judgment on your work. For the love of art, or the love of healing, just create!

• Boundaries inventory.

The energy of the hazy planet Neptune aids us in going with the flow during these four weeks, which we affectionately refer to as “Neptune season.” However, there are situations where that can lead to people being too reliant on it. Pay attention to the amount of food and drink you consume or the frequency with which you forego sleep due to your intense focus on a project (or your reluctance to leave the party). Addiction is a Pisces problem, but hey, we all need a break from reality every once in a while. The infamous “just this once” can be the final words that destroy months of progress or, worse, cause problems nobody wants.

Try to avoid things and people that can make you feel vulnerable. Judith Orloff details the various ways in which extremely sensitive people might resort to self-destruction in order to dull the pain of the signals they pick up in her book The Empath’s Survival Guide. When you feel the need to soothe yourself, reach for some art supplies. A lot of people are turning to adult coloring books as a stress reliever, creative outlet, or even just something to do with their hands. We’ve started taking notes on the go with the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil because we love the way they mimic real-life art tools.

• Forgive or release the grudge.

Pisces, the twelfth zodiac sign, rules over the things we should let go of, if only to relieve some mental burdens. Is it like an albatross around your neck to carry around a grudge or story of woe? When the Sun enters Pisces, it’s a sign that you need to shake your victim mentality. That doesn’t mean real trauma doesn’t exist. The key is to find a way to view these challenges not as defeats but as opportunities for personal growth and empowerment. Seek out the assistance of professionals, such as healing circles, therapists, shamans, and coaches, who can provide you with a new perspective that empowers you. It is possible that your “wounds” will transform into healing abilities that will enable you to assist others who are facing comparable challenges in the future.

Should we try to make amends now? Giving yourself the gift of forgiveness and plenty of compassion is a great way to celebrate Pisces season. That doesn’t give you license to re-invite all of your former acquaintances or loosen restrictions that should remain firm. However, it does imply embracing individuals and circumstances for what they are—flaws and all—and discovering a divine calmness in that.

• Feel free to daydream!

Though intense, Pisces season is one of the most romantic and glamorous times of the year. Get ready for early spring fever! Pisces season is all about rose-colored glasses and sleeved hearts.

Beware: Piscean energy can be so lost at sea that you may forget Earth plane principles. Before unleashing wilder schemes, consult at least three advisors and perform periodic reality checks.

But don’t be so critical that you miss Pisces Season’s creativity!

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