Today, March 22, 2025, retrograde Venus and the Sun will align, creating what is known as the Venus Star Point.
The Sun-Venus conjunction represents the rebirth of Venus’s energy and her gradual transition from an evening star to a morning star.
Our heart may also be reborn as a result of this energy. We may feel our hearts healing wounds we never expected to heal. We may feel ourselves opening to a greater love, or we may feel ourselves releasing blocks that keep us from feeling the love that we are.
The Sun-Venus conjunction can also bring clarity to any issues that have arisen for us since Venus stationed retrograde.
The Venus Star Point will occur in the sign of Aries this year. Because Aries is the ruler of the head, face, teeth, tongue, hair, arteries, and blood, we can expect a strong activation of head-centered energies around this time.
Let’s delve deeper into the Venus Star Point’s significance and how it relates to the larger Venus Cycle:
The Rose of Venus
Every eight years, Venus creates a perfect five-pointed star or five-petaled rose as it orbits the Sun. This perfect geometrical shape, known as the Rose of Venus or the Star of Venus, serves as a reminder of the Universe’s beauty and order.
Venus alternates between being a morning and an evening star to create the petals. The alignment of Venus with the Sun, known as the Venus Star Point, marks this transition.
When Venus and the Sun collide, Venus changes from a morning to an evening star. Venus will then go retrograde and re-align with the Sun to become a morning star. The cycle then continues.
The evening sky Venus is said to assist us in activating feelings of self-love, self-nourishment, and beauty in our inner world. Morning Sky Venus is said to aid us in forming alliances, connecting with others, and bringing beauty to our surroundings.
Tracking the Rose of Venus
Each petal on the Rose of Venus represents a point of growth or evolution in terms of love, connection, our values, and our perception of beauty.
The Rose of Venus takes eight years to complete, and we can see how the formation of each petal represents a period of maturity and ascension in our relationships and matters of the heart.
The current Rose of Venus project began in June 2020.
The following dates represent the upcoming Venus Star Points and will assist you in tracking the evolution of Venus energy in your own life:
PETAL 1: The Beginning of a New Venus Cycle. We are about to enter a new cycle in terms of the heart, relationships, and how we perceive beauty.
- June 2020- Venus Star Point retrograde
- March 2021- Venus Star Point direct
PETAL 2: We’re getting deeper into this Venus cycle’s lessons. We might start intuiting or understanding more about the journey.
- January 2022- Venus Star Point retrograde
- October 2022- Venus Star Point direct
PETAL 3: As we approach the halfway point of our Venus journey, our consciousness rises. We have reached the pinnacle of our story.
- August 2023- Venus Star Point retrograde
- June 2024- Venus Star Point direct
PETAL 4: Things are unraveling, and we can see the core lessons emerge. Expansion begins, and a new approach to working with Venus energy emerges.
- March 2025- Venus Star Point retrograde
- October 2026- Venus Star Point direct
PETAL 5: We have attained a higher level of consciousness. We can reap the benefits and work that our journey has brought us. The theme of endings may also be present.
- August 2027- Venus Star Point retrograde
- June 2028- Venus Star Point direct
You can track the Rose of Venus in your own life to see what themes or life lessons you are working through right now, as well as what chapter you are working through.
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