How Will The Jupiter Retrograde Affect You?
Jupiter is the planet of wealth. It symbolizes everything in our lives that has to do with expansion and profit and that includes money.
Unfortunately, this normally benevolent planet goes backwards in the sky in the sign of Scorpio. When a wealth planet like this is retrograde, the message that all signs will be given is “It’s time to tighten your belt!” This will be especially true financially. We are going to hear more news about layoffs, unemployment rates rising, and bankruptcies.
As Jupiter is also symbolic of large corporations and banks, we are also probably going to be hearing more bad news about interest rates, foreclosures and rising insurance rates. Jupiter is also the planet of charity in general and cuts to government programs that assist people who are poor are also likely to be in the news.
In general, people will seem to be a lot less willing to part with their money (even if there is a deal to be had) and they will also seem stingy emotionally. Unfortunately, when Jupiter goes backwards, there is a tendency for people to be very competitive with each other. It creates a tendency to be selfish and emotionally stingy because there seems to be a sense that there is just not enough to go around.
If you are a sign that is friendly to Jupiter, like Leo, you may find yourself doing something like withdrawing affection from a loved one. If you are a Scorpio (another sign in which Jupiter is exalted), you might find yourself being just a bit more cutthroat in business, not because you want to be, but because you will be convinced that somebody wants your job.
When Jupiter is backwards, we also tend to have less faith in our leaders. We may see less faith in their ability lead us out of dark times and it may be difficult for many Zodiac signs to see any kind of light at the end of the tunnel financially. In essence, this retrograde, which does not end until May 13th, is going to be quite rough on all signs.
So what is the upside of a Jupiter retrograde? For many Zodiac signs, it will simply be easier to lose weight. As Jupiter is a planet of expansion, its retrograde motion causes contractions in all matters. Unfortunately, most people will feel this in their bank account rather than anything else.
Here is how this long and dawdling Jupiter retrograde is going to affect each sign for the next few months, starting March 8th.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
You are most likely going to feel this Jupiter retrograde in the area of career. You may find a pet project is put on hold. It also may be a bit harder for you to get paid than usual and by mid-spring, you may be getting awfully sick of hearing how the check is in the mail. Jupiter going backwards in the sky may also have the effect of making you feel tired and a little less enthusiastic about working too hard for a living. It is okay to sit back, relax, and try and wait out this recession if you have to. On the upside, this backwards Jupiter will definitely give you more time to spend with family. I will also help you if you are trying to reach a weight loss goal.
Taurus (April 20 – May 21)
When Jupiter goes backwards in the sky, many Bulls often feel the pain of a real sacrifice. Usually this means giving up a luxury object or not being able to buy something self-indulgent, such as that gas-eating SUV or the latest kitchen gadget. Many Taurus individuals will also have to curb their spending when it comes to buying liquor and food. In the end, this may be good for this sign’s health as their love of cooking tends to make them a little bit overweight. Bulls are simply going to have to lower their expectations and learn how to budget themselves this spring. Your challenge may be how to transcend the disappointment you always feel when you are unable to get what you want immediately.
Gemini (May 22 – June 21)
The Jupiter retrograde is going to do wonders for your health. If you are an overweight Gemini, then you are definitely going to lose weight before this summer. You could have some challenges to do with money, but you will not be as affected as some signs. The main effect of the Jupiter retrograde will be a lessening of your always large workload. It is highly recommended that you take this enforced vacation from work and turn it into a positive chance to get some rest and also get in shape physically. Doing things that you used to do as a kid and not worrying too hard about responsibility is your best course of action until May. Jupiter moving backwards also favors divorce so these months from March to May are also ideal for finalizing any kind of separation.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
Jupiter retrograde is going to be an incredibly challenging time for you Cancer. The lessons that you learn will not be easy, but you will also be the sign that experiences the most profound growth and change if you are willing to stick it out. This may come in the form of a job loss, the end of a significant relationship, or the harsh reality of living deeply in debt. The more you focus on what you have to learn, the quicker you will move past this trial, but not without some struggle and discomfort first. You may be required to work two jobs to support your financial requirements or apologize and accept responsibility for something that has happened. Remember to pick your battles – if you want to maintain or repair a friendship, now may not be the time to prove you were ‘in the right.’
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Leo, you are likely going to feel the impact of Jupiter retrograde in the area of your career specifically, which may be hard for your ego to accept. Used to being the ‘top dog’ in all that you do, you are going to find it difficult to reach any of your career goals or aspirations throughout this time. In fact, you may have your hours cut back drastically, or even lose your job. For most, this will lead to a time of questioning, wondering why you even bother, or whether you should just give up and walk away, and that’s okay! Take some time, recollect your thoughts and consider all of your options. You may walk out of this more determined than ever before that your career is an ideal fit, or with the perfect career change in mind.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
The Jupiter retrograde is likely to cause some problems having to do with a divorce or legal separation of some kind that has been in the works for quite some time now. The focus will be on wrapping up this matter as neatly as possible. This will probably be a time when you feel a bit bitter or stingy emotionally. You will not expect a lot from others and they will not be expecting a lot from you, not because they dislike you but because they are giving you some space to heal. More than most signs, you need to get away every now and then and spend time in the company of relatives and friends who love you. Jupiter may prohibit long distance travel, as some of your spending money may have been cut back. You may also find yourself working a little more than usual. It is a good idea to try and shine at your job and forget your personal life for now as that will be your most productive course of action.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Jupiter moving backwards in the sky is going to give you less available cash to play with, but the good news is that other planets in the sign of Cancer are going to lend you a great deal of emotional support from friends and family. However, the world may seem a little stingier to you in other ways. You may find that there are less opportunities to socialize or that some friends are working way too hard just to make ends meet and therefore cannot spend that quality time with you that you always crave so badly. Your biggest challenge will likely be with employment. If you are freelance, it may seem harder to make a pet project go. If you are employed with a corporation or company, you may actually find yourself laid back or working less hours because of cutbacks. This is why it is best for you to sit back and relax during this retrograde and try to take advantage of the peace and quiet it will bring into your life.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)
You may face some financial losses while Jupiter goes backwards in the sky this spring. It could be that a property becomes devalued or is legally disputed at some time. If you owe money, this could be a difficult time for you especially if you have not been able to pay your debts on time. Jupiter retrograde is notorious for provoking rising interest rates. You may go through a bit of a cash crunch and need to take a second job or ask for more hours. Many Scorpios are also at risk of losing a job or being laid off, but that is also true of most signs. Your focus over the next few months will be spending time with family rather than career or money because you will feel stalled when it comes to moving forward.
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
When Jupiter goes retrograde in the sky, many Archers feel grounded. This is not the time when you will get that long vacation that you have always craved. Short day trips are still within the realm of possibility, but you will not have the cash to spend on trains, planes, and hotels. You may also have to curb your spending when it comes to all kinds of little luxuries such as expensive clothing and going to restaurants or movies. Your cash flow may not be as smooth as usual or you may find that projects or paychecks are stalled or stopped altogether. Entertaining at home is a good idea if you want to have fun, but still save money. The upside is that weight loss and fitness goals are easier for your sign to reach when Jupiter moves backwards through the sky so March 15th is a great day to start a weight loss program.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
If you are employed, you may actually find yourself laid off or working less hours because of cutbacks. Some of you maybe already searching for a job and the next five months will not be easy as the planets do not favor new endeavors. This is why it is best for you to sit back and relax during this retrograde and try to take advantage of the peace and quiet it will bring into your life. The Jupiter retrograde is likely to cause some problems to do with a divorce or legal separation of some kind. The focus will be on wrapping up this matter as neatly as possible throughout the next 2 months. This will probably be a time when you feel a bit bitter. You may feel that friends or relatives have let you down, but remember it is because they are busy and feeling the financial stress as well.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)
Jupiter is in your sign when it moves backwards and you will be hit very hard by negative financial news. Your biggest challenge will likely be with employment. If you are employed with a corporation or company you may fund working fewer hours because of cutbacks. It may be difficult to find a second high paying job as the planets are just not that favorable to your sign. This is why it is best for you to sit back and enjoy the free time that will be yours whether you want it or not this spring. You also may have some bad news to do with credit or property and there may very little you can do about. If a divorce or separation is in the wind, the entire matter will probably be wrapped up by May.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
You may face some financial losses while Jupiter goes retrograde in your fellow water sign of Cancer this month. It could be that your property becomes worthless or that you are forced to pay more interest on a mortgage or a debt. You could also find out that a loan can never be repaid and be forced Jupiter retrograde can also provoke a divorce or loss of a significant relationship. You need to grin and bear it until May and, in essence, do what it takes to make sure that you can make ends meet. On the positive side of things, the setbacks caused by a backwards moving Jupiter will help simplify and organize your life. You will also have more quality time to spend with family and the time to envision your future in a more creative way so that you really love what you do for a living and can get rich as well.
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1 comment
How come other sites are saying Jupiter retrograde doesn’t finish until Jul 10 in 2018? Is it simply that it becomes stationary on May 13 and then Direct on Jul 10? I’m confused.