A lot of people visit the Spirit World while they are asleep. They also know that their physical body cannot exist without the needed time to take rest, regenerate, recharge, and heal their energies.
Sleep is the vital function of a person’s everyday routine and even for overall well-being. The spirit of a person definitely uses this amount of time for similar functions.
While a person is sleeping, his or her spirit detaches from the physical encasement, which is their body, in order to visit its Spirit World and regenerate. During that period, it is still linked to their physical body, usually through the so-called “etheric cord” or “silver cord.”
A lot of people sometimes reported having quite vivid dreams. During those dreams, they established communication with their loved ones that passed away. In fact, when they see their loved ones in such a dreamlike state, usually it is only a short meeting.
When they wake up, their spirit will return to their body, and they are going to feel that the connection starts slipping away. A lot of people shared their experiences of how they usually wake up having tears in their eyes while the feelings around the special visit fade away slowly.
In such hugging dreams, most often, a sea of hands is going to fly up, together with nodding smiles and heads, confirming that the person had such experiences with someone he or she loves.
Sometimes, it would be heartening to be the witness of something like that, making people also validate the Spirit World’s existence further.
When someone has a dream of a loved person, and that dream looks like a real visitation, the dream will definitely be happy and uplifting.
If a person dreams of someone that experiences fear or sorrow, then that isn’t a true after-death communication. It will probably mean that the person still works through his or her bereavement.
When a person is really hugged or really visited in his or her dream, he or she will feel and know that.
Such dreams are quite precious, and healing, and no person can really take that dream from him or her, saying that it is only their imagination that plays tricks with them or only wishful thinking.
The person will know when the hugs and visits are real, as he or she will feel them in his or her heart.
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