What does your soul desire?
When you hear the word “hunger,” you probably think of your physical body’s need for food. Hunger is identified by stomach pains or when your stomach literally growls at you. Your soul, in addition to your physical hunger, is hungry.
Similarly, do you know how soul hunger feels? Do you know how to nourish your soul in the same way that you nourish your body? Feeding your soul is important, and learning how to do so can greatly improve your life.
What exactly does ‘feeding your soul’ mean?
“Feeding your soul” refers to nourishing your innermost being, the essence that defines who you are apart from physical and material needs. It includes doing things or having experiences that bring you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. This could include engaging in hobbies that pique your interest, spending time with loved ones, seeking solitude for self-reflection, practicing mindfulness, or connecting with nature and art. In essence, it is about putting your emotional and spiritual well-being first in order to find more meaning and contentment in life.
Feeding your soul is as important as feeding your body.
First, determine your soul. There are numerous definitions of the soul. The Merriam-Webster dictionary provides the most detailed definition: “the spiritual principle embodied in human beings, all rational and spiritual beings, or the universe.” For instance, consider the soul’s invisible connection to God. You are not walking around detached, but rather connected to something greater, such as the Universe or God. It can also be defined as a link to oneself.
Your soul is the deepest, most authentic part of yourself. This section is linked to something other than the obvious. It is the soul’s link to the unseen and is frequently intangible. As a result, God, angels, energy, spirit, universe, nature, or something else could be involved. It’s where your true self lives, but you usually walk around avoiding, numbing, or stuffing it, leaving your soul deprived and neglected.
How can you tell if your soul is hungry?
Is your soul experiencing hunger pangs in the same way that your stomach would if it were hungry? When your soul is hungry, does it growl?
If your soul is hungry, it will communicate with you through four metaphorical “hunger pangs”:
- You will suffer from bitterness and resentment in your life. This usually is a product of poor boundaries.
- You will feel tired. Fatigue comes from not getting enough rest or overcommitting yourself (again, poor boundaries).
- You might experience burnout at work or home.
- You’re using food to try and manage your emotions, fatigue, and stress.
Pay attention, because feeding your soul is as important as feeding your body.
It takes time to feed your soul. Do you identify with any of these pangs of soul-hunger? If so, you can look into ways to nourish your soul. However, a word of caution: this requires practice and baby steps. Expect to go from hunger to fullness slowly. Remember to take your time and investigate the best options for yourself so that you can develop a repertoire of potential soul-feeding strategies.
Here are 15 ways to feed your soul and reach fulfillment.
1. Begin by determining whether any of the four types of soul ‘hunger pangs’ resonate with you.
Choose one to concentrate on. For example, if you’re tired, see if going to bed earlier or having a wind-down routine will help you sleep better. Rest is one of the most beneficial things your soul can consume.
2. Give yourself 30-60 minutes a day designated just for you.
Build up to that time gradually, but until then, set aside some time where you can do whatever you want. During this time, prioritize self-care. This is not the time to clean the toilets; instead, sit and stare at a wall if you wish.
3. Give yourself space to feel your emotions.
Every day, for example, you have feelings and experiences. Allow yourself some time to check in with yourself to see how you’re feeling and if anything needs to be released — whether through a journal, a walk/run, or a phone call to a trusted friend. Name your emotions and understand that it is OK to feel what you need to feel.
4. Learn to say ‘no.’
Boundaries are necessary for soul nourishment. You will become bitter, resentful, and exhausted if you do not have these. Remember that it is not your responsibility to make everyone happy. Allow the people in your life to be responsible for themselves while you focus on yourself.
5. Stop worrying about what other people think of you.
I really like Brene Brown’s tool for this. She suggests getting a sticky note and writing the names of 2-3 people who matter on it. These are the names of people who will keep you safe and have your back. They believe in you and adore you. When you start to worry about what other people think, ask yourself if they are on your list. If not, just let it go.
6. Spa day just for you.
Put on some music, light some candles, and relax, whether it’s a scheduled massage or an at-home facial.
7. Examine whether meditation would be beneficial to your soul.
Consider your quiet time and whether or not meditation is something that will benefit you. Give it a shot and see how it feels. You can try about 65,000 free meditations on the app Insight Timer.
8. Listen to music.
Music is truly nourishment for the soul. Music has long been known to have a strong influence on the mind, body, and spirit. Music will nourish and lift you up, whether it’s dance music you get to boogie to or soft and relaxing music.
9. Find something that makes you laugh.
When was the last time you had a good laugh? Laughter is also a soul-satisfying experience. A joke, a meme, or a comedy. Anything that makes you laugh out loud is a good thing.
10. Play.
Play can be used to nourish your soul. When was the last time you played, whether it was in the snow or a card game with your spouse or children? Bring out the board games and have some fun. Play around a little and see how your soul reacts.
11. Perform acts of kindness.
When you make a kind gesture, no matter how big or small, you feel fulfilled and connected to others, which benefits both the giver and the receiver. Acts of kindness cause the release of “feel-good” chemicals such as oxytocin and dopamine, resulting in increased feelings of happiness and well-being and nourishing your soul with a profound sense of purpose and meaning.
12. Go for a walk.
Connecting with nature can enrich your soul by providing much-needed relief from the stresses of daily life. Natural settings promote a sense of calm and mindfulness, allowing you to be fully present in the moment. Hiking in the woods or strolling along the beach instills feelings of gratitude and inner peace, providing nourishment for the soul.
13. Read a book.
Reading has the ability to deeply nourish your soul by transporting you to new places and exposing you to a diverse range of ideas. You can develop empathy, broaden your understanding of the world, and find inspiration through literature, all of which help feed your soul with knowledge and wisdom.
14. Spend time with your pet.
Spending time with a pet develops a strong emotional bond. Unconditional love and companionship brings joy, comfort, and emotional support.
15. Clean.
Cleaning activities can be soul-nourishing because they bring order and harmony to your living space. Cleaning and decluttering have therapeutic effects and can lead to improved mental and emotional well-being, as well as a renewed sense of clarity that deeply feeds your soul.
The hunger of your soul is just as important as the hunger of your body.
One of the most beneficial aspects of feeding your soul is that you will no longer need to avoid, distract, or use food to manage stress, emotions, and daily life. Never forget that feeding your soul is as important as feeding your body. I hope you can become more aware, recognize your soul’s hunger, and begin to nourish and uplift yourself.
Above all, you are deserving.
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