Home Consciousness Charge Your Crystals & Manifest Under July’s Full Moon in Capricorn

Charge Your Crystals & Manifest Under July’s Full Moon in Capricorn

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by Conscious Reminder

Here is all the information you need to get ready for the full moon in Capricorn in July and make the most of its powerful energy.

The full moon is a fascinating and significant event that happens every month when the sun directly opposes the moon. This is a reminder to find equilibrium between our masculine (sun) and feminine (moon) energies, allowing for both manifestation and reflection. With the sun in Cancer and the moon in Capricorn, the full moon highlights the delicate interplay between our emotional needs and practical ambitions.

The polarity between these two zodiac signs (sun and moon) is crucial, as both celestial energies play an equally vital role in our manifestation process. For this specific situation, there is a need to harmonize the nurturing aspects of Cancer with the driven and disciplined traits of Capricorn. Observe the astrological houses occupied by these Cardinal signs in your birth chart to understand the specific areas of your life receiving emphasis.

Capricorn’s archetype is closely tied to discipline, perseverance, and long-term achievements, all under the influence of the taskmaster Saturn. Saturn prompts us to embrace accountability, set attainable objectives, and wholeheartedly dedicate ourselves to pursuing our aspirations. During this lunation, Luna will interact with Saturn Retrograde instead of June’s full moon in Capricorn, where it was still moving in direct motion. This provides us with an opportunity to carefully reconsider and reevaluate our plans and structures.

Continue reading to learn how to effectively charge your crystals and harness the energy of July’s full moon in Capricorn.

The Significance of Charging Crystals During the Full Moon

Charging crystals under the full moon is a practice that has been passed down through generations and is believed to harness the moon’s energy to purify, enhance, and revitalize the unique properties of a crystal.

When the full moon phase occurs, the sun’s opposition to the moon signifies a heightened level of energy, clarity, and intuition. The opposition and gravitational pull between these celestial bodies generate potent and dynamic energy, which is perfect for energizing crystals. This energy is thought to purify and amplify the inherent properties of the crystals.

In general, the light of the full moon enhances the vibrational frequencies of crystals, which is thought to increase their effectiveness for manifesting.

The Best Time to Charge Crystals for July’s Full Moon

The full moon in Capricorn is set to reach its peak on July 21 at 6:17 a.m. ET.

For optimal results, it is recommended to charge crystals during the night of the full moon and the nights that follow. When the moon reaches its maximum brightness, we experience the peak energy of the full moon, which lasts for approximately three days. The best times to charge crystals are as follows:

The night before the Full Moon: Starting your endeavors early can be beneficial. The moon is almost at its fullest, radiating powerful energy.

Night of the Full Moon: It is highly recommended to take advantage of this potent time to charge your crystals. The moon is currently at its peak, allowing your crystals to absorb the maximum amount of lunar energy.

Night after the Full Moon: The energy of the full moon remains potent, making it ideal for those who may have missed the peak or wish to prolong the charging process.

The Best Crystals to Charge for July’s Full Moon

Charging crystals during the full moon in Capricorn can assist in harnessing the grounded, disciplined, and ambitious energy of this Cardinal Earth sign. Presenting four crystals that can be charged and explaining their potential benefits:

Smoky Quartz: A crystal known for its ability to dispel negative energy and bring emotional balance. It is believed to align perfectly with the earthy and pragmatic essence of Capricorn. It also aids in maintaining focus, facilitating perseverance towards your goals and dreams, free from any distractions. Using smoky quartz during the full moon can improve its grounding properties, allowing you to maintain balance and focus while handling your responsibilities.

Garnet: A stone that symbolizes commitment and passion. It is believed to have a strong connection with the perseverance and discipline of Capricorn. It is said to enhance mental clarity, focus, and determination, which are important qualities for individuals born under this Earth sign. Charging garnet under the full moon can enhance its properties, giving you a boost of motivation and determination to pursue your goals.

Tiger’s Eye: A crystal known for its ability to promote grounding and stability. By charging this crystal, you can enhance your ability to remain centered and steadfast in both your personal and professional ventures. Tiger’s Eye is known for its ability to alleviate fear, instilling courage and confidence to help you achieve your long-term goals.

Bloodstone: Known for its grounding and protective properties, it is a perfect match for Capricorn’s practical and disciplined nature. Bloodstone is known for its ability to enhance decision-making skills and motivate individuals to take charge of their goals. Utilizing the unique properties of the full moon can assist you in maintaining focus and determination when confronted with obstacles.

After the Full Moon, What Should You Do with Your Crystals?

After charging your crystals, you can follow a series of steps to seamlessly incorporate their revitalized energy into your everyday routine and manifestation practice.

Set intentions with your crystals: Take your time and hold each crystal in your hand, focusing on setting specific intentions that align with their unique energy and properties. Reflect on your goals, aspirations, or specific areas of life where you require guidance.

Carry the crystals with you: It is advisable to keep your energized crystals in close proximity to you, whether it be by carrying them in your pocket, adorning them as jewelry, or storing them in a small pouch. Keeping them close by ensures that their energy envelopes your aura, offering ongoing support and protection.

Elevate your personal space: Arrange your crystals strategically and intentionally in specific areas of your home and workspace.

Smoky Quartz: Best utilized in spaces where grounding and protection from negative energy are required.

Garnet: Place it in areas where you require an additional surge of energy or where you create vision boards.

Tiger’s Eye: For optimal results, consider placing it on your desk or workspace. This can help boost your focus, confidence, and motivation, allowing you to perform like a true professional.

Bloodstone: Best kept in places where important decisions are made or where courage is needed.

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