Home Consciousness August’s Mercury Retrograde Least & Most Affected Zodiac Signs

August’s Mercury Retrograde Least & Most Affected Zodiac Signs

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

There may be a potential encounter with an ex on the horizon.

If you’re experiencing mental confusion or a sense of misalignment in your life, Mercury retrograde may be the culprit. Starting on August 5th, the planet associated with communication and logistical matters has entered a retrograde phase. This means that you can expect some disruptions and challenges in these areas for the next three and a half weeks. During the period from now until August 28th, it is important for individuals of all zodiac signs to be mindful of their schedules, plans, and the way they articulate their thoughts.

Mercury retrogrades are often viewed negatively due to several reasons. First and foremost, Mercury in astrology holds sway over various aspects of people’s daily lives. This includes communication, planning, technology usage, and transportation. When retrogrades occur and slow down these areas, it can be particularly frustrating, especially in work and social lives. In addition, it is worth noting that while most planets only go into retrograde once a year or even less frequently, Mercury has a tendency to go into retrograde every few months. This frequent occurrence contributes to the somewhat bothersome energy associated with it.

Nevertheless, these transits can actually have a positive influence if approached with the right mindset. During Mercury retrograde, it can be beneficial to step back from new endeavors and use this period to reflect on your recent progress. When you take a moment to reflect, does it appear that you are heading in the direction you desire? If you want to ensure that your plans are foolproof, what steps can you take? If not, what changes can you make to align yourself with your goals? Mercury’s retrograde energy may not be ideal for initiating new endeavors, but it can provide an opportunity to reflect on your current situation and assess your progress.

If you happen to be among the zodiac signs that are least impacted by August’s Mercury retrograde, count yourself fortunate. Additionally, certain zodiac signs may experience the effects of Mercury retrograde more intensely.

Therefore, it is advisable to continue reading to determine if you should take additional precautions during the upcoming weeks.

Here are the zodiac signs that are least and most affected by August’s Mercury Retrograde.

Zodiac Signs Least Affected by August’s Mercury Retrograde

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

This retrograde is filled with celestial excitement from beginning to end, but fortunately for you, none of it affects any planets in your sign. The current retrograde of Mercury is beginning in the area of your chart that governs your daily routines. As a result, the initial ten days might prove to be quite challenging as you navigate through your work tasks and attend to your personal obligations.

When Mercury moves into your romance and creativity sector on August 14, you’ll experience a shift in vibes. Surprisingly, this backward-focused energy can actually be beneficial rather than detrimental. During this two-week period, you have a wonderful opportunity to reignite a connection with a past flame or revive a passion project that may have lost momentum. Take a moment to reflect on the experiences that brought you joy and find ways to incorporate them into your current life in a meaningful manner.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

The retrograde begins in a quiet and understated area of your chart, Libra, so you might notice that the initial ten days of the backward motion pass by without any significant attention. It is important to be aware of the issues that Mercury is bringing to your attention, as they may originate from your subconscious. Take note of your dreams and make sure to prioritize rest and relaxation. Otherwise, you might not observe significant changes in your daily routine.

When August 14 arrives, Mercury will be moving back into your community sector, which may cause some drama within your social circle or lead you to question your role within a group. Trust in your convictions and values, while also allowing your friends some flexibility if you sense a slight disconnect. You may feel like you’ve outperformed the people in your current circle, but this could also be due to some miscommunications during a retrograde phase. Remain receptive to the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Mercury retrograde in August will start in the domain of another earth sign, but there’s no need to worry. During the initial ten days of this retrograde, you may find yourself contemplating your fundamental beliefs about life. It would be wise to remain receptive to the possibility of refining your personal philosophies. Therefore, if you have summer travel plans during this time, carefully review them and allow for extra time to travel between destinations.

Around August 14, Mercury will enter a more introspective and emotional area of your chart, which may result in its influence becoming less apparent and more internalized. Take advantage of this opportunity to carefully assess the boundaries in your relationships and ensure that they align with your needs and desires.

Zodiac Signs Most Affected by August’s Mercury Retrograde

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

As a Gemini, the influence of Mercury, your cosmic ruler, will be more pronounced during its retrograde periods compared to other signs. However, this time, it will be particularly remarkable. This retrograde begins in your fourth house, which governs your personal life, family matters, and memories from your childhood. During the first half of the month, the retrograde may unearth some unresolved family issues or stir up emotions from your past. Make an effort to direct this energy towards finding solutions for any issues that arise.

Mercury will move into your communication sector starting August 14th, potentially causing some disruptions in your texting, work emails, or casual conversations. It’s important to be mindful of potential misunderstandings during this time. It is important to pay close attention to detail during this period. On August 24, as the retrograde draws to a close, the alignment of your Mercury and the powerful planet Mars in your sign presents a favorable opportunity to pursue an old idea or reconnect with someone you’ve lost touch with. It’s a moment to take initiative and make things happen.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

This retrograde coincides with your birthday season, so it’s important to ensure that everyone is well-informed about the details of any planned celebrations in August. It would be wise to allow for some flexibility in timing. However, on August 14, Mercury will start moving backwards into your sign, intensifying its effects on you. It is important to take a moment to evaluate your current endeavors and make sure that your goals align with your true desires.

On August 18, there is a significant event during the retrograde where the sun aligns with Mercury, creating what is known as a Mercury cazimi. At this stage of the backspin, you can gain valuable insights into the recurring themes in your life and experience significant mental breakthroughs. On the following day, the full moon in your relationship sector will activate Mercury, bringing forth hidden issues in a surprising manner. Get ready to handle unexpected situations and take advantage of this chance to resolve any unfinished business once and for all.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

As a Virgo, you may notice a more pronounced shift in energy when Mercury, your ruling planet, goes into retrograde. This backspin will be particularly significant, as Mercury is in your sign as it enters retrograde motion and will remain there until August 14. During this retrograde, it’s important to be extra cautious and mindful of the details of your plans. Take the time to double-check everything and think twice before speaking, especially throughout the rest of the month.

During the retrograde, a significant event occurs when Mercury aligns with Venus, the planet of love, in your sign on August 7. This alignment presents an opportunity for you to delve into your values on a deeper level. This alignment presents a promising chance to revive a relationship from the past. The time is right to reconnect with an ex or extend an olive branch to someone you want to talk to.

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