Home Consciousness The Fiery Mars Enters Intuitive Cancer: Control Your Emotions

The Fiery Mars Enters Intuitive Cancer: Control Your Emotions

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

On September 4th, Mars will enter intuitive Cancer, where it will transit until April 18th, 2025. Mars is the planet of drive, energy, sex, war, and ambitions, and it isn’t entirely comfortable in watery Cancer, but this shouldn’t be a difficult transit as long as we keep control of our emotions.

We may become more passively aggressive than openly combative unless we feel very threatened by something. It’s important to be gentle with our loved ones, as they may seem easily hurt. We may become more defensive over the things that we see as belonging to us, such as relationships, children, property, and anything to do with the home. We should remember that being assertive is healthy, and we should try to speak out rather than keeping our emotions bottled up, as we might explode later. During this transit, we may pour more energy into our homes and prefer to spend free time there rather than going out.

Conflict may arise over emotional issues, but we will deal with it with more compassion than normal, and we’ll seem to have an intuitive understanding of our loved ones’ needs. Cancer people have a reputation for being passive, but they become ferocious if something threatens their partners, friends, or family, like a mother bear protecting her cubs. Globally, we should expect to see more countries putting an emphasis on home security rather than conflict abroad.

The Moon, which is the ruler of cancer, changes signs every two and a half days, so our Mars-related activities may be prone to more ups and downs, and it’s best to remain flexible. We should listen to our intuition, as it’ll be stronger than normal, and our sex lives may become more loving and intimate during this period.

Mars makes some difficult aspects to other planets during its journey through Cancer.

On September 30, there will be a trine between Mars and retrograde Saturn in Pisces. The alignment of Mars and Saturn in a harmonious aspect enhances our ability to approach tasks with a sense of professionalism and dedication. This alignment serves as a reminder of the importance of perseverance and patience, encouraging us to adopt a long-term perspective.

Mars in Cancer squares the Nodes of Destiny in Aries and Libra on September 15. This configuration draws our attention to areas where we may have missed important growth stages or where we still have some emotional maturing to do. Specifically, it emphasizes the importance of addressing the underlying issues related to expressing anger, asserting ourselves and our needs, and taking proactive steps towards fulfilling our desires. We also anticipate significant attention to family matters during this period.

On October 24, there will be a sextile between Mars and Uranus Retrograde in Taurus. This aspect serves as a gentle reminder to stay true to our own unique path, even if it means going against the grain. It encourages us to embrace our ability to think outside the box and explore unconventional approaches to problem-solving.

On October 28, Mars in Cancer forms a harmonious aspect with Neptune Retrograde in Pisces. Embrace the powerful alignment of Mars and Neptune, allowing your dreams to guide your actions. Trust your intuition, draw inspiration, and let your spiritual values shape your path.

On November 3, there will be an opposition between Mars and Pluto in Capricorn, occurring just a few hours before Mars enters Leo. During the Mars-Pluto opposition, conflicts, power struggles, and tensions can emerge, revealing hidden dynamics that impact both the world at large and our individual experiences. This alignment signifies a period of crucial turning points and noteworthy breakthroughs. To avoid any destructive consequences, it is important to handle the Mars-Pluto energy with caution.

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