by Conscious Reminder The process of activating your inert Merkaba by initiating its spinning procedure, results in it connecting to the vast energies throughout the universe. It connects you to the …
by Conscious Reminder It’s not surprising to wonder what soul connection is. Even though the word itself is self-explanatory, one might be confused about its true meaning. This question can play …
by Conscious Reminder The death of a loved one is possibly the most difficult kind of loss to cope with. It is when the grief breaks us that magic of the …
What Will Be Your Luckiest Day In 2023, According To Your Zodiac Sign
by Conscious Reminder While the current year is already off to a rocky start due to the retrograde of Mercury and Mars, there is still a lot of magic in the …
by Conscious Reminder 2023 is here, and we all have a lot of things on our hands- which would depend on our zodiac signs. Needless to say, there will be a …
Negative Energetic Ties Transcend Boundaries Of Physical Life
by Conscious Reminder Since it has been established that no one can go through a single life, let alone multiple ones, without forming spiritual/entity connections, it is also natural that not …
What Is The Astral Projection Vibration Stage & How To Use It To Achieve OBE
by Conscious Reminder One of the ways to know when you are about to project yourself astrally, is by feeling the astral projection vibrations. Here is how they work: This particular …
Are You At A Point In Your Life Where Everything Feels Like It Is Falling Apart? Read This… You’ll Feel Better
Are You At A Point In Your Life Where Everything Around You Feels Like It Is Falling Apart? Maybe you’ve hit a wall in your relationship and you’re not sure …
by Conscious Reminder I’m feeling cold. But my nest was warm. In fact, my nest seems harder. I open my eyes slightly, enough to see that its night and I’m on …
by Conscious Reminder Twin flame love, by definition should mean complete and utter surrender to your twin flame. After all the two of you are one and the same soul and …