by Conscious Reminder Fall Equinox converges with the beginning of the Libra season on 22nd September. The new moon in Libra will occur on 25th September, ushering in economic prospects …
Jung In Conversation With A Native American Chief: Only The Mad Think With Their Heads
by Conscious Reminder Because we are told that God is found both in the silence as well as in our hearts, when we block our painful feelings, we have set …
by Conscious Reminder At the moment, many people are experiencing these symptoms. They are becoming aware of what is really going on with them. And what is actually happening, is …
Fall Equinox On September 22nd/23rd: Contrast Of Energies In The Northern & Southern Hemispheres
by Conscious Reminder The 23rd of September would see the Sun positing itself in Libra giving us equal hours of both night and day. This is called the Equinox, and …
The Fall Equinox On September 22nd/23rd Will Give You A Chance To Peek Into The Spirit Realms
by Conscious Reminder The Autumn Equinox is going to happen on September 22nd/23rd. It will mark the commencement of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and the starting of Spring in the …
by Conscious Reminder The nights are cooler, the days are shorter, and there’s an abundance of pumpkin spice lattes – fall season has officially arrived. It’s usually a bittersweet time …
2022 Fall Equinox And The 3 Signs That Will Need To Re-Evaluate Things
by Conscious Reminder Three zodiac signs will be urged to withdraw and recuperate after a very hot girl summer when the sun enters the relationship-focused sign of Libra on September …
5 Signs That You’ve Found Your Special Person: If Number 5 Is One Of Their Traits Never Let Them Go
by Conscious Reminder Have you found that really special person that makes your heart skip a beat when someone mentions their name? That one person that is ready to drop …
by Conscious Reminder Daydreamers, lost in time, highly intuitive, curious, full of strong emotions… Most of us would call such people strange, different, weird or if we are being polite – creative. There’s …
I have been overwhelmed with signs, hints and help from the universe ever since I began actively looking for them. The trick lies in being able to recognize them, and …