by Conscious Reminder This is not an event known to many but it affects each and every one of us with an intensity that is difficult to describe. Today, the …
by Tanaaz | Forever Conscious Every year on August 8th, the Lionsgate Portal is activated and concentrated beams of high frequency energy are sent down to Earth. This high frequency …
The Four Zodiac Signs That Will Be Most Affected By The Partial Solar Eclipse On August 11th
by Conscious Reminder The last month has been surreal when talking about astrological events.. From the solar eclipse, to the Blood Moon to several planets turning retrograde, it has affected …
Expect Moonless Nights For 2018’s Perseid Meteor Shower This Weekend
By Bruce McClure and Deborah Byrd | EarthSky It’ll be an awesome year for this annual shower! Peak mornings – August 11, 12 and 13 – are moon-free. With only a slim waning moon …
by Vera Ingeborg This article was originally featured in the Heartfulness Magazine More and more people feel somehow unsatisfied and uneasy about their life, their job and/or their relationships. Must there not …
by Conscious Reminder At some point in our lives, we realize that the breakneck speed of the world has polluted the spiritual clarity of our minds. We are exposed to …
by Conscious Reminder The Lionsgate opening on the 8th of August is going to be the biggest and most powerful Lionsgate until now. This is why it’s a good idea …
Four Must-Know Facts Regarding The Opening Of The LionsGate On August 8th
by Conscious Reminder July was quite a busy month, astrologically speaking. It had loads: a very interesting Blood Moon as well the retrograde motion of Mercury to watch out for. …
New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse On August 11th — Restoring The Balance
by Conscious Reminder On 11th August ‘18, the solar eclipse of the new moon will fall at 18º Leo decan 2. It will form a part of the educational triangle …
The twin flame connection is something special, something that describes the divinity in human nature and the power of love. On the other hand, it is a proof of the …