Dowsing is the ability to use your natural sensitivity to locate things and seek them, which otherwise our everyday brain and five physical senses aren’t able to do. It allows …
by Conscious Reminder Given below is the astrological forecast for the month of August, which has an entry by date, allowing every single Zodiac to apply it to their own …
8/8 Lionsgate Opening: When Earth, Sirius & The Galactic Center Align
by Conscious Reminder August is the eighth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the earlier Julian calendar. In Latin, it was originally named Sextilis because it was …
Five Things That Might Go South Because Of Mercury Retrograde Season
by Conscious Reminder New term: Retrograde. Definition: Astrologically, when a planet is on the retreat or when it moves in the direction opposite to what is expected, it is said …
by Conscious Reminder Judith Orloff, a notable psychiatrist, defines an empath as “an emotional sponge”. This definition aptly describes Empaths for their amazing quality of absorbing both positive and negative …
Research Says Your Health Benefits from Sleeping Next to Someone You Love
by Conscious Reminder Love is a very beautiful thing. Everyone deserves to love and be loved. But the thing that is more difficult than finding true love is keeping the …
Mandala represents one of the oldest ancient symbols and has powerful meaning. The mandala plays a central part in the spiritual life of many people and this time we will …
We already talked about synchronicity, karma, the billions bonds and connection in this world and of course, the intuition. These things prove that from the average human’s point of view, …
Your Cat Is Not Just A Pet, You Might Be Sharing A Spiritual Connection
by Conscious Reminder One does not spend a lot of time thinking about it but cats are more than just pets or animals we see on the streets. There has …
Today, Mars Will Be Closest To Earth In 15 Years: Here’s When And Where To See It
July has been rather eventful for the skywatchers; first a partial solar eclipse on July 13th, then a lunar eclipse on July 27 and now Mars coming the closest it …