by Conscious Reminder Now you can also be a part of a new system in a completely new way. You can be perceived as love as well as a beacon …
There is far too much of a stigma regarding beauty. If you pick up any fashion magazine, you’re bombarded with these skinny girls and well-toned guys. You see people on …
“Chronic anxiety is a state more undesirable than any other, and we will try almost any maneuver to eliminate it,” wrote Robert E. Neale in The Art of Dying. Anxiety is, indeed, a …
Breaking up can be pretty horrible, but sometimes it’s actually a saving grace — especially when circumstances get out of hand. What constitutes “out of hand?” Good question. Keep reading …
Let’s start with a quote from Stephen King: “When I’m reading, I will not stop on page 94, page 193, page 382 at all. The digits of these numbers add …
You’ve made a commitment to take your health back into your own hands. Part of this commitment is practicing meditation, which you’ve heard is great for alleviating stress and helping …
by Conscious Reminder There are some things that the government and NASA hide from us, for reasons yet to be known. The video inserted below will tell you about the …
One Eclipse Down, Two More To Go, July 27th/August 11th: This Is What They Mean For You
by Conscious Reminder July and August will bring us not one, but three eclipses in 2018! Both of the July eclipses will mark the start of a special time in …
Friday The 13th Horoscope – This Will Help You See There’s Nothing To Be Afraid Of
by Roya Backlund If the thought of the infamous Friday the 13th is already filling you with dread, let me be the first one to tell you that your dread is …
Do you, at times, feel you function differently than your peers? That sometimes your mind and body are completely at odds with other people’s thinking and way of action? You …