by Conscious Reminder With two stars from Perseus Constellation influencing it, the New Moon will be situated at 24 degree Taurus on Tuesday, May 15th. The two stars, Algol and …
by Conscious Reminder Thanks to all the romantic comedy movies and the overall popular culture, the term soulmate has become a household utterance. However, the concept of the soulmate is …
by Conscious Reminder We are all on a journey towards wakefulness, towards becoming our true selves, and towards remembering who we really are. The fact is that every individual journey is …
by Aletheia Luna | Loner Wolf Jennifer from America asks: Do you think it’s possible for someone’s sensitivity and/or empathy to shut off or be dulled? She goes on to …
by Amy V. Miller Do Angels help with money? Yes, but it is rarely handed to you on a plate. You will likely need to work for it and it may …
by Conscious Reminder The New Moon in May is supposed to fall on the 15th, with Algol, the star of beheading getting into action. We all know what Trump is …
by Conscious Reminder First of all, let’s understand one thing: twin flames and soulmates, despite similarities, are not the same. Whereas soulmates are our spiritual complements, twin flames are our spiritual …
Born with a range of extrasensory abilities, Teal Swan, known to many as ‘The Spiritual Catalyst’ or the ‘Giggling Guide’ was born in Santa Fe, New Mexico, her abilities include clairvoyance, clairsentience, …
by Conscious Reminder Although most of us have dreams every night, it’s still not clear what the purpose behind them is! On average, we have 4 to 6 dreams every night, …
The shape of your hands reveal a lot about your personality. The art of palmistry is one of the oldest means of determining one’s future and the kind of person …