by Conscious Reminder It is spring; the season of expectations, longing and emotions and of inspiration. It is that time of the year, when we bask in new energies and …
6 Cosmic Reasons Why Certain People Come Into Our Lives–Each One For A Specific Reason
Is there a reason why certain people come into our lives? Is there a plan of the Universe which makes them leave? Some people believe that there is a bigger …
by Conscious Reminder Neuroscientists and experts of communicative language agree that words are so powerful, they can literally rewire our brains. The kind of thoughts we think and especially the …
by Conscious Reminder Ever heard the story of the fool who kept throwing stones in the river in the dark, and when the day broke, he found himself with a handful …
How Long Do Spirits Stay Around The Living After The Physical Death
by Conscious Reminder Many of us have these questions about death, cremation etc. which bother us and we are desperate to find a quick answer as the subject is too …
You Wouldn’t Want To Mess With An Empath! This Person Is The Best Mind Detective You Will Ever Meet
by Conscious Reminder Empaths are extremely powerful people, and I wouldn’t recommend that you mess with one. Empaths are excellent at reading body language and they are the best mind …
Super Nature & A Moon Full Of Miracles ∼ March 2nd Full Moon 11°23’ Virgo
by Laura Boomer-Trent | Cosmic Intelligence Agency “Super Nature & a Moon Full of Miracles” ☆ March 2nd 00:52 GMT Full Moon 11°23’ Virgo ☆ When the Virgo Moon reflects the light of the Sun in …
Unfortunately, we live in a world full of stress, anxiety and constant tension. Be it physical illnesses which keep plaguing us or the enormous mental stress and exhaustion which is …
Being smart is not always determined by birth. Sometimes, it is determined by birth whether you would be an intellectual one, but sometimes, it depends on you how you carry …
by Conscious Reminder Do you feel like you are always going down the same rabbit hole of bad luck and missed opportunities? Does the same kind of misfortune keep striking …