by Tanaaz March is always a pivotal month as it brings about the start of the astrological new year. The astrological year is signified by the Sun’s movement through the …
Have You Noticed Number 22 Popping Up Everywhere Lately? Here’s What It Means For You
22 as a number, is twice 2. That is, the power associated with the no. 2 and all its significance is twice as much in 22. And when it comes …
Jupiter Retrograde 2018 – Here’s How It Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign
How Will The Jupiter Retrograde Affect You? Jupiter is the planet of wealth. It symbolizes everything in our lives that has to do with expansion and profit and that includes …
Make Your Aura Stronger And Protect Yourself From Being Emotionally Drained
Do you end every day feeling like you’ve run a marathon even if you’ve just spent it talking to people? You’re not alone! Your energy is a limited resource and …
The Benefits Of Activating Your 12 Strand DNA
by Conscious Reminder We all know DNA as the set of rules which dictate the workings of the cells in every organism. Everyone is familiar with the double helix structure …
by Conscious Reminder We have all experienced the jittery nerves and rush of excitement that comes along with a new relationship. However as the love grows, we also get attacked …
by Conscious Reminder Most likely the girl who’s well-read, she’s admired for her complex understanding of a variety of subjects. She’s deeply attuned to her emotions and never struggles to express …
Are You Aware of Your Frequency? Humans are dualistic by nature. We are both spirit/source energy and ego persona/matter. When we are about three years old, we start developing our …
by Sirshree Seeker 1 : I’ve been hearing and reading about the Law of Karma in various forums and literature. What exactly is the Law of Karma? Sirshree : Let us look at …
A Combination Of 4 Or More Of These Traits Says You Are One Of The Rarest Individuals In The World
by Conscious Reminder The INFJ personality type is said to be the rarest of the rare as according to Carl Jung. And what does INFJ stand for? Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling …