Home Consciousness Are You Working for the Dark or Light Side?

Are You Working for the Dark or Light Side?

by consciousreminder
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Are You Aware of Your Frequency?

Humans are dualistic by nature. We are both spirit/source energy and ego persona/matter. When we are about three years old, we start developing our sense of self individually. This happens primarily by labeling and judging our perception of what is appearing.

If we never learn to temper this as we grow older, we separate ourselves from our spirit and from others. This leads to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and even abandonment. We have ultimately abandoned our spiritual selves through constant separation.

Sensitive People May Struggle with Duality

Let us look at this from another angle. Instead of labels such as bad or dark, we use the term low frequency and substitute high frequency for good or light. Now we are working within a range. Each person in humanity holds an energetic frequency in this range. Energetic signatures are the sum of our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. We are all unique and have a base setting when we are born, a natural operating range or frequency, which is then tuned through our energetic signature.

Why? Each of us is here to experience, learn, and grow through the vessel of humanity. Humans are dualistic; for each frequency, there is an opposite frequency: low and high, for example. The life lessons we are here to experience determine our base setting. Does that mean people can’t change? We can always respond to life from our higher selves rather than from our ego persona. It takes awareness and conscious observation. It’s a practice that requires dedication. It can be done.

Spiritual Teachers and the Energetic Range

Where do spiritual teachers fit in? When we are shifting up that energetic range, it is helpful for someone higher on the scale to hold the space and support us through the transition. Their presence helps us adjust our vibration and frequency. Do all teachers shift you up? No, they don’t; we must use discernment when choosing a teacher. Remember, we are all operating on a range. Look for people whose words and actions are congruent. Their presence feels uplifting when they are not speaking.

Since there is no good or bad when we drop the labels, how does that change our perception of reality? Let’s use an example: on our way home, we get mugged; now our lower frequency will react, the perpetrator becomes evil, and we become a victim (energetically). The law of attraction maintains our energy at that frequency! We continue to receive validation for our frequency through additional experiences that reinforce victimhood, while also continuing to dwell on the traumatic event. We keep replaying it in our minds, causing more suffering.

A Few Words on Acceptance and Resistance

Acceptance is a distinct experience. We got mugged on the way home. OK, we proceed by contacting the police, the credit card company, or whatever we need to do. Embracing the fact that the thief was operating from a lower energy frequency, we choose not to react or become victimized; instead, we continue to flow into the next moment. We do not create a resistance to what has appeared by telling a story about ‘poor us’ or ‘evil him,’ which would shift our energy frequency and cause suffering. Resistance means suffering.

It boils down to: we are all here to do and experience what we are meant to, what we need to evolve and shift to the next frequency. Sometimes it’s our suffering that is the catalyst for a transition. It is the sign that alerts us to change our perception and balance our spirits and ego personas. Being human is challenging if we can observe ourselves and detach from our ego occasionally. Rather than label others, if we hold compassion, we will create harmony that feels good or different.

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