by Roya Backlund If you’ve been feeling trapped in the confines of your head, like your imagination is a dried up basin, or worst of all, like you and your partner …
What To Do If Your Twin Flame Is In A Relationship With Someone Else?
by Conscious Reminder Life is rarely easy. You’d think your biggest challenge was to find your Twin Flame. But it is not as easy as that. Even after having found your …
You may be checking your daily horoscope and monthly horoscope, but are you freaking out prematurely over what’s going to happen for your Valentine’s Day horoscope? Many people don’t know …
By Mateo Sol, Lonerwolf No matter what the practice or teaching, ego loves to wait in ambush to appropriate spirituality for its own survival and gain. – Chögyam Trungpa, Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism …
These 8 Signs Say You Might Be A Descendant Of A Long Line Of Powerful Witches
by Conscious Reminder Before Hermione Granger, nobody thought that witches could be cool, or for that matter good. That particular word always had some very negative connotations. Since then, some things …
Why Relationships Of A Romantic Nature Usually Fail, From A Buddhist Point Of View
by Conscious Reminder I first came to know of this point of view a few years back when I was clearly not ready for it. The philosophy of Rinpoche Dzongsar Jamyang …
by Shannon Yrizarry The second most important part of your birth chart in Western astrology is your moon sign. While your sun sign gives you your external personality, your moon sign is your internal …
by Athena Melchizedek Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder It has been my experience that the spiritual world, just as the ordinary world, as many beings in all dimensions that are not what …
by Conscious Reminder Numerologically speaking, the year 2018 is indeed very special. This is because 2+0+1+8= 11. 11 signifies the power of divine energy. It strengthens leadership, gives inspiration and …
by Conscious Reminder Many Christians around the world think of the Holy Bible as the ultimate source of the knowledge of the world and the origin of mankind. It is …