by Conscious Reminder A lot of individuals worldwide suffer from problems such as addiction. Many of them decide to go to rehabilitation clinics. However, others decide to search for healing in …
Health & Wellness
by Conscious Reminder Looking at ourselves in the mirror could be quite an uncomfortable and awkward experience. When talking about our body image, we should take into consideration these scenarios: We …
Meditation Can Literally Change Your Life: Start Now, Thank Yourself Later
by Conscious Reminder The word meditation is definitely the most searched, most clickable, or even the most popular word online. As a result of more people discovering its undisputed and incredible …
by Conscious Reminder Panic attacks and anxiety are normal and quite common body reactions when we are in stressful situations. However, a lot of people struggle when they have to get …
by Conscious Reminder Although hugging seems simple, it can actually prevent our relationship from becoming a mess and falling apart. Hugging will increase relaxation, while it will lower blood pressure, in …
by Conscious Reminder We shouldn’t underestimate the powers that the change of the four seasons brings, in order to awaken our spirit. Since ancient times, people considered spring as the female …
by Conscious Reminder There are people who are curious, but there are also those who are quite skeptical when it comes to intuition. However, more of them believe that intuition is …
by Conscious Reminder Chakras are energetic centers located in our bodies. In the body of a human being, there are 114 chakras. They help us in moving past hard things in …
Let the Spiritual Energies in By Detoxifying Your Body
by Conscious Reminder Before we know what detoxification means and is, we have to know the toxins that we have to detox. We consume potential toxins every day; we breathe them …
9 Things You Can Do to Work on the Healing of Your Negative Emotions
by Conscious Reminder Regardless of who we are and what we do in life, we cannot find a way to escape from feeling out and down. There are always going to …