by Conscious Reminder A relationship is a connection between two people and them alone. Though both of them are unique individuals and have every right to their hobbies and friends, …
The Relationship-Sabotaging Behavior You’re Probably Holding On To
by Conscious Reminder Relationships are hard because they are basically compromises. It is extremely hard to change yourself for someone else and sometimes you might feel that you are the …
by Conscious Reminder How can you live vegan life in your family which actually consumes meat? The major barriers which a lot of vegans come across are the habits of eating …
by Conscious Reminder It is highly probable that you or someone close to you is an introvert. Introverts, from the very childhood are labeled as ‘Shy’. They are often seen …
by Conscious Reminder Many people believe in relationship myths, and this is partly thanks to Hollywood. Movies, TVs, as well as books, tell us some storylines about love, and we …
A Farmer Sets Up A Camera And Records A Video That 12 Million People Fell In Love With
by Conscious Reminder Not giving up on life is an essential thing for us to learn. People who do not get their hopes punctured due to the pitfalls of life, …
7 Eye-Opening Signs That You Are Dating an Emotional Psychopath
by Conscious Reminder Relationships are meant to be a place where you find solace when the whole world seems to be a torture machine. But if your partner is expecting mental …
Kiss is not just a kiss, as sang by Louis Armstrong. Actually, it is much more than that. Following their research, many experts believe the kiss is one of the …
by Conscious Reminder The video shows tourists looking at and taking pictures of this magnificent gentle giant sitting in the send. A woman is just looking with amazement at the …
Lyuthar Jacobs, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder To resist change is an integral part of human nature. Especially when it comes to challenging situations, we tend to be so adaptable. Right? As …