I like to make jokes about how much I hate people. As an introvert, it’s easy to do. The stereotype of the misanthropic introvert is backed by countless Facebook memes …
A defeat is an inevitable part of our lives. It can happen to anyone. Almost-relationship that ended badly. A breakup with a partner. A quarrel with a best friend. A …
by Conscious Reminder There are many things causing pain on this earth and one of the biggest problems right now comes from people using sexual energy wrongly, more so when …
by Conscious Reminder An empath is a person who can actually put themselves in another person’s shoes. Rather than just sympathizing with their emotions, they can actually feel what someone …
It’s Possible for Couples to Be Intimate Without Having Intercourse; Here’s How
by Conscious Reminder While sex is clearly an act that involves a lot of intimacy, there are other ways you can be intimate with your lover. Keep reading to find out …
3 Simple Morning Rituals That Will Enhance Your Brain’s Efficiency And Improve Your Mood
by Conscious Reminder In case you didn’t know it already, our brain is our biggest asset in life. It is the brain which helps us through every situation in life …
13 Signs Of A Toxic Parent And How They Damage Their Children Without Realizing It
While the vast majority of parents mean well when they say they want to give their kids the best possible start in life, sometimes slip-ups happen and kids wind up …
Cruel Truths About Existence That Will Force You to Get Your Shit Together!
Life is tough; there is no doubt about that. It goes up and down like a roller coaster, and sometimes it seems like as soon as you get up, it’s …
There Is Always That One Person That We Cannot Get Over
by Conscious Reminder Those who’ve gone through heartbreaks would all agree that there is always that one person that you can’t seem to get over. Months, years and even a lifetime might …
by Conscious Reminder Most likely the girl who’s well-read, she’s admired for her complex understanding of a variety of subjects. She’s deeply attuned to her emotions and never struggles to express …