LightWorkers are working diligently to save our planet (and save us from ourselves). Something that comes up all the time in my Empath Support Group are people who take on …
by Conscious Reminder Merkaba, the symmetrical star tetrahedron, is built from two conical pyramids, one pointing up and the other down. It’s size is based on our intuitive understanding about …
by Conscious Reminder A psychic empath is someone who possesses the ability to feel what other people are going through on a personal level, and feel it more intensely than …
by Conscious Reminder We all want love and we all need love. In a way, everything we ever do is a bid to gain the appreciation and the love of …
Whіlе еvеry оnе оf us pоssеssеs thе аbіlіty tо оpеn оur sоuls tо thе іdеа оf spіrіtuаl еnlіghtеnmеnt, thеrе аrе а sеlеct numbеr thаt аrе blеssеd wіth а truе spіrіtuаl …
555 activation is a step forward to becoming a higher being. It is the evolution of our mind, body and soul. It’s a path of big changes – changes in …
Art by Karol Bak In most traditions around the world, Sunday is the first day of the week. People make use of Sundays to prepare for the week ahead, rest, and …
by Bess O’Connor According to many traditions, the energy center of the body lies in a specific location, known to house an abundance of life-force energy or qi. In Chinese Qigong …
What is the throat chakra? It is the energetic centrum meant for communication with others which commands our hearing process that physically includes our nose, throat, ears among others. Also …
Since ancient times, the third eye had been revered by all kinds of cultures. Today, we know it as the pineal gland, but it is still called the third eye …