by Conscious Reminder Anyone who has ever come close to a twin flames relationship, or the ones who have experienced it, would all agree to this- it is much more …
June 2018 Will Be The Worst Month For These 3 Zodiac Signs, But It’s Not The End Of The World
by Roya Backlund June is universally looked forward to. It’s a month that signals the end of the school year and the beginning of a wild and promising summer. With so …
Have You Experienced Any Of These 8 Signs After Meeting Someone? Then You’ve Known Them In A Past Life
It’s possible your current life might not be the first time you have made a journey across this earth. Most of us have many past lives, and in each one …
by Conscious Reminder Long before numerology existed as we know it today, numbers were still revered and held in high esteem. Almost all of the ancient cultures and their most …
by Conscious Reminder Do you find your eyes drawn towards the watch exactly when it shows 4:44? Have you seen these three 4’s other times too? Have you been noticing …
by Conscious Reminder Astrologically speaking, May was a pretty active month with a lot of movement going on among the stars. One of the major events was the transit of …
May’s Full Moon Energies Are Still Holding Strong And Here’s How They’ll Affect The Zodiac Signs In The Week After
The Gemini-Sagittarius polarity is a mental axis, where Gemini represents the “lower mind” and Sagittarius represents the “higher mind.” The Gemini Sun encourages us to think logically, while the Sagittarius …
Is Aether Really The Fifth Element And What’s The Mystery Surrounding It
by Conscious Reminder Aether is associated with the property of quintessence which is the purest form of matter. According to ancient philosophy, aether or ether as it is now known …
When you say this affirmation over and over again you affirm to yourself and the Universe that you are free of all that no longer serves you. In other words …
What Does Your Most Dominant Chakra Reveal About Your Personality
Chakras are the energy centers of our body. This helps us to increase our determination and focus. There are total 7 chakras in a human body. In order to get …