by Diana Beaulieu; Wake Up World The Womb holds many forms of power including our ability to forge clear boundaries and create new life. However the Womb is also a fountain and …
by Aletheia Luna I LOVE THE LOOK AND FEEL OF CHRISTMAS. I love the candles, the presents under trees, the cozy fireplaces, the sparkly decorations, the homely food, the gathering of …
by Conscious Reminder There has been much debate over whether animals have souls Recently I was given a work by Gary Zuvak called Seat of the Soul. It’s a popular …
A new study shows how men’s brains are geared towards selfishness, and women’s brains towards kindness. You know how women are generous goddesses who would do anything for their friends, …
10 Ways To Protect Yourself During Mercury Retroshade, Which Is Just As Bad As Mercury Retrograde
Have you been feeling like nothing is going the way you need it to, no matter what? You can probably blame Mercury retrograde for that. For most of December, many …
January is a very special month for lunar observers: The first month of 2018 will feature two full moons and a total lunar eclipse, or “blood moon.” In Native American and early …
Having A “Blue Mind” And The Benefits Of Being Close To The Ocean
by Conscious Reminder Water has something magical about it. It was the source of first life forms on earth, it is the prime supporter of life on earth and it …
The 12 Dimensions Of Consciousness We Have To Awaken To Reach A Level Beyond Enlightenment!
Dimensions organize the different planes of existence based on their vibration rate. Each of these dimensions follows a certain set of laws and principles that are particular to its frequency. …
by Conscious Reminder How we perceive everything outside us and how we react and interact with the reality of the 3D world is regulated to a large extent by our …
by Conscious Reminder Dreams are not just fantasies and visions but they hold answers to your inner conflicts and reveal truths. They maintain your inner balance, to help you heal …