Home Consciousness 15 Ways The Girl With The Big Heart But Sarcastic Mind Loves Differently

15 Ways The Girl With The Big Heart But Sarcastic Mind Loves Differently

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

You know her, and you love her—the girl with a big heart and a sarcastic mind. Although she is willing to do anything for you, she will do so while rolling her eyes and tweeting about how much she is “enjoying” this.

It can feel like you’re in a relationship with one of the most complex creatures on the planet when you date a girl who hides a big heart behind a sassy attitude. In other words, she can be difficult to understand. When it comes to love, she does things a little differently than most women do.

Here, we’ve compiled a list of 15 unique ways that a girl with a big heart and a sarcastic mind can express love. Do you agree with our list? Let us know below.

1. She has no filter. In her group of friends, she’s known as the blunt one because she always says it how it is, no matter how rude or inappropriate it may seem.

2. She doesn’t like to be vulnerable. Having a big heart comes with the ability to not only love to the fullest extent but also hurt to the fullest extent. So, be kind to her.

3. Opening up is challenging for her. While the physical parts of being in a relationship come naturally to her, she has difficulty with the more emotional, vulnerable parts. Be patient.

4. At times, she may seem indifferent. But she’s just really good at putting on a show.

5. Underneath her hard exterior, she’s mushy. Despite projecting an image of steel nails, her composition is surprisingly soft. Her outward appearance doesn’t represent her true character.

6. She’s the best listener. Big-hearted girls love lending a listening ear.

7. She doesn’t half-a** anything. She’s either into you or she’s not—she won’t waste her time if she isn’t sure about you.

8. Her sense of humor is an important part of who she is. She makes crude jokes and boasts a raw sense of humor, and she wins everyone over because of it.

9. She’ll appreciate the little things you do. Even though she’ll make fun of you for being a little cheesy, she’ll still appreciate small, romantic gestures, like opening the door for her or kissing her on the forehead.

10. She loves thoughtful gifts. For her, a price tag says nothing about the quality of a gift. It’s the thought and effort that make her smile.

11. Secretly, she’s a hopeless romantic. The depth of her heart is never-ending, so she has tons of love to give.

12. She might not be able to say “I love you” first. No matter how much she feels it, you’ll have to dig to uncover her hidden emotions.

13. She’s an over-thinker. But she likes to view it as if everyone else is just an underthinker. (There goes her humor!)

14. She’s a little rough around the edges. Deep down, though, she’s just as delicate as any girl is.

15. She’s equal parts badass and sensitive. So don’t let her go.

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