By Julie Alexander,
1. The Ones Who Seek The Truth
There are people who are awake, they know what’s going on in the world, and they have woken up and seen the truth. They have done the research and used their knowledge to help others.
They are trying to wake other’s up, some have dedicated their whole lives to this endeavour while others do whatever they can to spread the message far and wide.
Usually these people are isolated, waking up alone all over the world, unable to talk to family and friends about what they have learned.
They have tried talking about it to people but they meet with deep rooted opposition, so they try other methods whatever works for them. They are brave and courageous human beings.
Many more people are waking up each day and joining them.
2. The Misguided Ones
There are people who are still asleep, they do not think anything is wrong in the world, they trust their governments to a certain degree.
They see awful things happening in the world but they tend to believe whatever the mainstream media tells them.
They are so busy surviving, bringing up children, working all day long, they are too tired to try and dig deeper and they rarely have the spare time anyway.
They vaccinate their children, feed them with GMO’s, drink the fluoridated water and believe chemtrails are normal and that 5G is a good thing.
They just cannot see what is going on around them. They trust the system, it may have flaws but somehow they still believe in it.
Sometimes they can see the truth in a situation, but they cannot connect the dots and see the full picture.
These people need our help and support, one day they may wake up.
We were all like this once.
3. The Brainwashed Ones
There are people who are supporting the dark side but they are totally unaware of what they are doing. They join the freemasons thinking they are helping people when ultimately they are supporting the dark side.
There are people in the health services who believe they are helping us by vaccinating us with, mercury, aluminium and aborted foetuses. They are also administering drugs that haven’t been tested properly.
There are people in positions of power who truly believe in what they are doing but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Somehow they have been manipulated without even realising it.
These people have been brainwashed by the system, they have no evil intent, they truly believe in what they are doing.
They also need our help.
4. The Ones Who Sold Their Souls
There are normal people who have been seduced by the darkness, one way or another they have gone over to the dark side. Some have been blackmailed into it, some have been given fame and fortune and some have been given great power.
They have sold their souls to the dark side. They follow the satanic path.

Somehow they put on a nice, normal persona out into the public arena, but inside they have chosen evil over goodness.
Their reward is fame and fortune; they are loved by many, if the truth were known this would change in a heartbeat. They have chosen fame and fortune over love for their fellow man and woman.
They were not born this way, they chose this way of life. If you are one of these people, consider your position, we are waking up en masse, we are finding out about you each and every day. We see you as you really are, not how you would want us to see you.
Leave the darkness behind and come back to the light. Join humanity in our fight against evil.
Anyone who knows about all this and has not succumbed, please come forward and reveal the truth. Help your fellow man and woman in our hour of need.
5. The Power Hungry Ones
Unfortunately they are trying to cull us to a more manageable level, in whatever way they can.
They have been born into this way of life. They believe in human sacrifice, pedophilia, and cannibalism, they follow a satanic path. They have grown up with it.
They have no empathy or compassion.
They live lives totally different from the rest of us. They believe they can do whatever they want and they do.
They have gathered wealth beyond comprehension and used it to further their evil plans.
They want humanity to suffer, they want us in a total state of fear and anxiety all the time, we are easier to control this way.
They are so evil they have attracted negative interdimensional entities into our world causing even more pain and suffering.
Up until this point, generally their plans have gone unnoticed. They nearly succeeded, until we started waking up.
Some people born into this way of life have managed to see the truth and left it all behind.
The truth seekers need to spread the truth whatever way they can. Try to spread love, peace and harmony around the world. We can get through this.
The misguided ones need our help and understanding.
The brainwashed ones also need our help to see the truth.
The ones who sold their souls, need to know that we can now see what they are doing and have done, the fat lady is about to sing.
The power hungry ones need to accept that they have lost their power, too many of us are awake and we do not want to live this way anymore, there time has come and gone.
The one thing in this life we can be sure about is change, nothing stays the same.
Things have changed it’s now our time.
About the author: I realized what was really going on in the world in 2013. Since then I have been trying to make sense of it all and help others along the way. I am still learning more each day. You can visit my Facebook here and my website here.
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1 comment
The author has some good points but they are also misguided, and power hungry.