Home Consciousness Twin Flame Substitute: Soulmates, Real & Fake Twin Flames

Twin Flame Substitute: Soulmates, Real & Fake Twin Flames

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Twin flames are, in fact, complex individuals, so understanding them will take some time, as well as spiritual insight.

That is the reason why we usually fall prey to counterfeit twin flames that feast on our life energy like parasites.

We also create an inseparable bond with them, as well as take desperate measures, in order to keep them in our lives. Our nativity is the one which makes us loom in a karmic relationship.

Substitute for a twin flame.

We cannot figure out the true identity of fake twins until they have actually inflicted a fair share of emotional damage.

So, how can we, in fact, distinguish between the real and the fake twin flames and spare ourselves the pain, as well as suffering?

What is the difference between soulmates and twin flames?

Happiness can often mislead people. It is an apparent misconception on our part that a twin flame is meant to feel us liberated.

Having a soulmate means that he or she makes you feel secure and stable, but having a twin flame plays a completely different role in your life.

Twin flames unsettle our comfort zones, in that way propelling us towards some spiritual illumination.

The aim that they have is to thrust towards everlasting love, as well as light. Also, the spiritual evolution is a continuous physical and cerebral struggle.

A person cannot just hope to increase his vibration by lying around in a cozy bed of worldly temptations.

What is the difference between real twin flames and fake twin flames?

Even though the initial phase of a twin flame relationship can sometimes be quite similar to a counterfeit twin flame relationship, it continuously and gradually transforms into an unsettling cat-and-mouse chase.

One twin is nearly always spiritually immature, and it is mostly the male one. He runs away from the love of the spirituality of the evolved feminine lover.

This actually gives rise to the runner-chaser dynamic. In estrangement, the runner has to resolve his emotional conflicts, as well as subdue his inner demons.

The chaser also has had a troubling past. During his whole life, he was taught to turn his back on love. However, when he meets his destined partner, he starts the healing process.

The soulmate relationships are not distributed by complications of that type. They are not meant to last forever. Soulmates are only stepping stones towards our twin flames.

Twin flames come in our lives in order to teach us valuable lessons which prepare us for our soulmates. They also serve no other purpose. So, if you have lost your soulmate, you should not think that all is lost.

Love is going to knock on your door once again, and all you will have to do is persist in your spiritual traveling.

Before finding the real one, you will come across a counterfeit twin flame.

Before you stumble upon the real twin flame, you are always going to come across a counterfeit twin flame.

Unlike soulmates, the twin flames will make us feel lost and forlorn. They just feel like the real thing, but the nurturing does not have an end, and instead of spiritually evolving, our vibration will stoop to an all-time-low in their company.

This is the reason why we need to muster up the courage in order to let go of them. Trust us; when the right time comes, you will not hesitate to cut your ties with them.

You are going to hasten towards the corridor of estrangement, and you will also wait unknowingly for your real flame.

The best way in which you can know the difference between an authentic twin and a counterfeit is to listen to your intuition.

When we are around them, we have to analyze how we feel. You should ask yourself if this is the person you want to spend your whole with, despite the constant anguish. If that is the person, they are your twin flame, and they are worth the struggle.

However, if not, then they are only an imposter, and you have to devise a way to break free from them for the sake of your spiritual security.

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