Home Spirituality Do You Have A Light Pink Aura?

Do You Have A Light Pink Aura?

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Every one of you probably knows what the physical body represents—hands, head, feet, and so on. But you may not know that a so-called subtle body exists and surrounds your physical body.

In layman’s terms, one could also refer to the subtle body as spiritual. Even those of you who are skeptical probably heard about another term: aura.

Do you know what an aura is?

The aura is an energetic wave that envelops your entire body in an oval-shaped enclosure. It is something people are not aware of—neither of themselves nor of others.

However, it may be true that people have the ability to see various auras right after they acquire a specific skill set that goes along with it. However, we won’t delve into those specific skills here. Instead, we will delve into a rare aura known as the light pink aura.

This aura often speaks volumes about our destiny. In fact, it reveals what our destiny holds in store for us. Since the aura represents our mental self, it will reveal the paths we choose and the decisions we make towards our destiny.

Auras also have an undeniable connection to people’s destiny, as they encompass what types of people they are or all those choices they will supposedly make. It can also vary in intensity and change colors, serving as a real sign of everything their destiny holds for them.

People sometimes refer to this light pink aura as the ‘base’ or even the ‘root’ aura because pink is the last color in the spectrum of red colors.

What does the light pink aura mean?

As a result, people who are light pink are calmer and milder-mannered. The color pink indicates loyalty, sensitivity, compassion, honesty, a mild temperament, and love.

An interesting thing about it is its ability to vary from one person to another. There are two deep aura colors: blue and red. The other distinct auras are essentially intensities of these two colors.

The light pink aura can include certain specks of blue, grey, or red. However, keep in mind that these specks typically appear as ‘impurities’ in various auras.

But this does not mean that there is something wrong. Also, a bright aura is almost impossible to find. To have such an aura, you will have to spend your life in calmness, despite every situation. Also, they undoubtedly believe in peace and love, so some circumstances cannot shake them.

People often associate this color aura with painters, medical care professionals, or poets. The light pink aura shows how caring and compassionate a person is. Additionally, the person has a high regard for the happiness of others.

This type of aura is quite rare, and the people who possess it are both tranquil and compassionate. The color pink is a mixture of red and white. The color red represents hard-handedness and strength, while the color white represents tranquility.

When combined, these elements create the color pink, which is both stern and compassionate. The light pink aura’s rarity is a result of all the circumstances we are facing in modern times. We lack the necessary time to unwind and appreciate the beauty and wonder of our existence.

So, if you have this light pink aura, it means that you will let go of every single worry and focus on some more significant things in your life—your mental health.

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