Home Consciousness 7 Easy To Notice False Twin Flame Symptoms

7 Easy To Notice False Twin Flame Symptoms

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Every person has a twin flame; however, that kind of soulmate relationship is definitely not the single one that he or she may experience. 

Soulmates are typically those who prepare others for their real relationship with their twin flames.

Usually, people refer to the relationship you had prior to your twin flame as your “false twin flame.”

You need such a relationship as your final preparation before you unite with your true twin flame.

What do fake twin flame relationships look like? How does it differ from the real one? 

1. A number of similarities.

A fake twin flame can be quite similar to a true one on the surface. But the entire point of this fake twin flame is actually that he or she is indistinguishable from reality—unless you are prepared for that reality.

2. Addressing your past. 

One fundamental difference between these two is that you have problems of all kinds that you must solve together.

A fake twin flame is going to help you deal with past problems, while a real one is going to concentrate on moving forward.

3. Teaching you to practice self-care.

To prepare for the real twin flame, you need to learn self-care. Your fake twin flame is going to help you discover your needs or even satisfy them.

Such an experience is entirely different from a real twin flame relationship. The real twin flames are going to teach you how you can help other people, as they will see that you have the ability to take care of yourself.

4. Experiencing adversity.

Fake twin flames will flee when the going gets tough, while the real ones will be guided and taken by those challenges.

When the false relationship is about to end, you will experience a fight or flight response, which is considered the first symptom of a false relationship.

5. A small distance.

When you notice how your twin flame makes you feel, you can tell if he or she is the real one or not. The real twin flames are going to make you feel just like old friends do: trustworthy and comfortable.

But the false ones are going to provide you with a feeling of uncertainty, uneasiness, and anxiety.

Such uneasiness will come from the fear of being judged by false twin flames, which is not characteristic of the real ones.

6. You are sure it is not destined to happen. 

Despite possessing all the traits of a genuine twin flame relationship, you secretly harbor the belief that it will never materialize or endure.

In a real relationship, certainty is always present, along with a feeling of something destined. But, in fake twin flame relationships, the sense of safety is always absent, and that makes you feel unfulfilled.

7. Wondering whether it is worth it or not.

When you have some difficult times with your fake twin flame, you are always going to feel that he or she is not worth all that sadness and pain.

In a real relationship, you will encounter difficulties, but these challenges will feel entirely different. They will feel it is necessary and have a chance to grow. They will not feel like obstacles.

When you are in a real twin flame relationship, you will know that everything is worth the pain.

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