Home Consciousness These Signs Will Tell You If There’s Negative Energy In Your Space

These Signs Will Tell You If There’s Negative Energy In Your Space

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Energies are something really powerful, so when we are sensitive to them more than usual, they will have a greater impact on us. When we have potent intuitive abilities or psychic capabilities, we will probably be affected more by energies than other people will. 

Or, if we are empaths, we will be quite more energy sensitive. We may also notice that we feel differently around other people or other different locations. The reason for this would be as the energy also feels differently, and it depends on where we are or who we are with.

Sometimes, we will see that a specific location makes us feel really bad. A lot of things may affect that location’s energy.

There may have been an event which sparked quite strong emotions, or there may have been a person that experienced heavy emotions while spending time in this location. There are even cases when spiritual presences could have also been attached to this location.

One of the ways to be sure that there is actually something happening with that location’s energy would be if we feel bad when we are in it, but after moving away, we feel much better.

There are a lot of people who wonder whether they get sick or why they just feel bad about that when in real life, they are simply sensitive to negativity around them.

How can we know that a room is full of negative energies? Here are the six most common signs:

1. When we enter into that room, we feel emotionally tired and drained.

Sure, every one of us can be tired sometimes, but feeling tired every time we enter a particular room and our energy returns right after we leave, there is something else happening.

2. When we are into that room, we find ourselves experiencing headaches.

We have to pay more attention to health symptoms of feelings of discomfort which only happen when we are in one specific location.

3. When we are in that room, we feel like we are not able to breathe or we also feel claustrophobic.

Some people described this as heaviness. We could also find ourselves experiencing some heavy emotions in the room. For instance, we feel the need of crying without any particular reason.

4. When in that room, plants don’t tend to do well.

Negative energies do not only impact human beings. Animals and plants may also sense some discomfort in a specific environment. We should pay more attention to our pets and see if they act strangely every time they enter a specific room.

5. There is strange muskiness or odors in the room.

We will notice that there is muskiness or some strange odors in that room and we cannot realize where they come from.

6. Difficulties in sleeping.

We may also have a hard time sleeping, and we can experience nightmares too when we are in the specific room.

So, with all these signs, one thing we have to pay more attention to would be if the symptoms go away when we leave the room. For example, when a headache appears while we are still in that room, when we come out of it, there may be another issue such as a sinus headache or something else.

Well, the best thing we can do when we think that there is negative energy in a specific room would be to stay far away from it, if that is possible, of course.

But, if the room forms part of our home or a place we need to be, we may use sage in order to cleanse it and improve its energies. Or, we can also utilize a purification spray.

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