Home Consciousness The New Moon Joins Venus, Mars & Mercury In Virgo On Aug 30th: Goal-Oriented Passion Is Burning

The New Moon Joins Venus, Mars & Mercury In Virgo On Aug 30th: Goal-Oriented Passion Is Burning

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

While the New Moon finds itself in Virgo, it would soon join Mars which is known for its sexuality, courage, and strength.

Since the New Moon is present in the more passionate, aggressive Martian side, it would be accompanied by Mercury and Venus.

The New Moon in August is one of the best times to initiate something. Especially, if you are on the verge of finding love, or a soul mate. With the New Moon in conjunct with Uranus, one can expect a positive change, as well as excitement.


New Moons are usually representatives of one complete 28 day Moon cycle. With the Sun in conjunct with Moon, it is evident that there would be a fresh energy burst in the air. So, in the event that you want to make a new start to your life, or start a new endeavor, you couldn’t find a better time. You might also end up questioning yourself over the past while making way for the present.


Since the New Moon conjuncts with Mars, this is going to be a pretty powerful New Moon. Mars is concerned with displays of strength and conjunctions usually are the toughest of all aspects of planetary nature. The one-degree aspect orb is quite strong too.

Although Mars is usually one of those violent, aggressive planets that we see, this New Moon is a benevolent one.

This is due to the effect of Mercury and Venus- the love and communication that would flow through them. Also, with the Moon trining Uranus, there would be an influx of excitement over something new that is going to happen.


Since the Moon is in a conjunct with Mars, one needs to utilize this hotbed of energy safely, or else it would explode, hurting everyone in the process.

But with the influence of Mercury and Venus, things are looking positive. Venus would bring in love and creativity to soften up Mars, while Mercury would turn communicative, helping solve misunderstandings.

Martian New Moon is always great for any form of physical activity- be it sports, combat, or sex. Venus would bring in the artistic, creative aspect to it, while Mercury would sharpen up one’s communication skill.

Since confidence and excitement would be at an all-time high, it is pretty evident that you might want to start something new.

But, the force might come off too strong which could actually do the opposite of what it was supposed to. But don’t fret, for the effects of Venus and Mercury would add the much-needed harmony to it.

With the Sun in a trine with Uranus, one can expect more positivity and freedom in their lives, characterized by their kinky side coming out through the fray.

Also, try to widen up your circle in society. By using insight and ingrained awareness, you will be able to separate the gold from the dust.

And with Mars in trine with Uranus, you can welcome in the feeling of adventure, or some daring spirit, with a zeal to take initiative.

You can also break the shackles of monotony by initiating something new, something independent of what you had been doing for all this while. Risks will make sure that you have some changes in the life you lead.

artwork by Eric Tecce

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