Home Consciousness Which 4 Zodiacs Will Be The Most Affected By The April Pink Supermoon?

Which 4 Zodiacs Will Be The Most Affected By The April Pink Supermoon?

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Aries season has long started, and we are experiencing its fiery passion now. With the Pink Supermoon rising on the 7th of April, 2020, things are about to turn more intense.

After the New Moon in Aries rose in March, the energy for this Supermoon has been building up. This Libra Full Moon will bring illumination in our lives, and help us balance ourselves.

Here are 4 zodiacs who will feel the heat of this April Pink Supermoon the most:


Rising in your house of partnerships, the Moon will also be opposing your Sun. This can lead to friction between what you desire and how you need to compromise to keep others satisfied. The Moon’s light will reveal the true colors of those around you, so pay attention. Decide who gets to stay in your life, and let go of the rest.


You are at war with yourself, and this Pink Supermoon will only highlight the struggle. You may reach a breaking point as you lose your sense of stability. Try to embrace balance, with yourself, and with others. Create your own safe space and find your zen. You’ll survive this.


As the Pink Supermoon rises in your sign, you will experience the changes more intensely than others. The Moon is asking you to put yourself first. Spend some alone time, pamper yourself, listen to what your heart wants. You tend to care for others way too much, and that has been taking a toll on you lately. Once you feel happy yourself, you will be able to care for others even better!


The Pink Supermoon is about to illuminate your house of career, so expect some sort of closure. As the previous projects come to an end, why not plan your next big step? Try to align your work with a higher sense of duty. Don’t worry, the Moon will guide you to what you truly desire.

The April Pink Supermoon is going to be one of the most beautiful Full Moons of the year. What are your plans for the big night?

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