Home Consciousness How Your Zodiac Sign Will Do Under Tonight’s Super New Moon In Scorpio

How Your Zodiac Sign Will Do Under Tonight’s Super New Moon In Scorpio

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

As the New Moon rises in the mysterious sign of Scorpio tonight, we will be faced with some choices.

As the Moon brings new opportunities for us, we are gearing for the next lunar cycle. The choices we make during this cycle will bring us rewards with the 2021 Scorpio Full Moon in April.

Here’s how the zodiacs will fare under the Scorpio Moon.


With your ruler Mars out of Retrograde, you have gained some clarity and focus. You can now look past the limitations to find new opportunities. You have also learned to embrace your true self. The Moon might bring up some past issues, but you have the patience to sit with them. You have to decide which version of you will be moving ahead!


You’re still busy dealing with the effects of the Halloween Full Moon. You can’t decide if the new things coming your way are real or not. You tend to look for problems where there are none, and now is the time for you to believe. Believe that anything is possible. Things are finally falling into place; you just have to stop thinking about the challenges. You will have to decide which path you want to take- the real one where things are getting better or the one in your head filled with obstacles.


With the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse happening in your sign at the end of the month, November is really turning up the heat for you. This New Moon will be particularly taxing. You often find refuge in pretensions, but this New Moon will make you choose between superficiality and genuineness. If you choose to be genuine, you have to deal with your true self and things that you usually avoid. Are you ready to do that?


Are you willing to live in denial? You have some wounds of the feminine that needs to be healed. But the longer you deny it, the more you will suffer. Before you can heal the world, you have to heal yourself. You make the choice of whether to stay in denial or actually put in some work. But if you want freedom, you really have to work on your wounds.


In the last few months, you have been more accepting of your flawed but real self. You tend to put up appearances, and that turns exhausting. This Scorpio Moon asks if you are ready to put this authentic self out into the world. Think of the knowledge you have gained about the self and if you are really willing to hide that from the world.


You have been struggling to learn how to let go of control. Before you can fully let go of control, you have to release your fears. It is the lack of trust that makes us control things and people. You have to start trusting people with their own instincts. Let them do what they need to do for themselves. The decision you have to make under this luminary is whether you are ready to trust others and accept them as they are or not.


While you seek balance in all aspects of life, you are slowly learning that is not always possible or practical. We often have to prioritize the things we want more. Don’t stick to a plan just because it seems balanced, be flexible in your ways. Success awaits you, but don’t rush out. Let the path reveal itself to you.


With Mercury moving in and out of your sign during the Retrograde and now finally settled, you need to look back at the themes of October. You want peace now, but still, you yearn for an element of chaos. With this New Moon in your sign, your focus will be on romantic relationships. You will be wondering if you’re prepared to enjoy the peace it brings or if you want to keep looking. Go for the option that makes you the most uncomfortable because that will show you the real lesson.


Unlike most other signs, you completely trust your emotions and all your decisions come from the heart. While others find you aloof at times, it is quite the opposite. You often struggle to defend your decisions and try to show them as logical. This New Moon will ask you if you are ready to stop explaining yourself. Let your decisions speak for themselves.


Time to pause and reflect on your life, Capricorns! You have had some losses this year, and you are scared of any further changes. You would rather be unhappy in your current situation than stir things up. Trust that things are changing for the better. Detours are difficult but often necessary. You can sense a feeling of rebirth with this Moon. Let go of your rigid expectations, and you’ll see the grand plans awaiting you.


With Jupiter heavily influencing this Moon and it being present in your sign, this New Moon is bringing some major changes for you. Unlike other signs you have received growth and abundance from Jupiter. Now use its strength to embrace your true self, you don’t need to keep up appearances. The choice for you is self-acceptance versus the burden of living up to others’ expectations. Just know that there is nothing wrong in being yourself,


You often swim in circles because you’re scared to be vulnerable. You attract toxic people because there’s still some left inside you. You fear people will leave you, so you leave them first. You have to overcome these sectors of your life now. Take risks, be vulnerable. Not everyone is out to get you. Stay true to yourself and follow the path before you.

The Scorpio New Moon is bringing us some tough choices to make. If you can stay true to yourself, you can easily sail through this!

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