Home Consciousness What Happens When You Cut The Narcissist Off? 10 Things You Can Expect…

What Happens When You Cut The Narcissist Off? 10 Things You Can Expect…

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

It will never be easy to leave a relationship, regardless of the fact of how abusive, terrible, and toxic it was.

Even when we are ultimately happy because we are single again, the recovery period coming with it will still be there. We give our best in our relationship with our loved one. However, changing that may be an enormous emotional strain.

It will not be an easy task to make the decision about ending our relationship with the narcissistic person that our partner is. We admire the courage and strength of the people who already did that. However, there is a path which sometimes can be unbelievably difficult.

Here are the ten things which we are going to learn about ourselves when we leave a narcissistic partner:

We will need a good break.

In fact, leaving a narcissistic partner may feel like a race. It will be exhausting, both emotionally and physically. We should give ourselves a break from this game called love. We may feel uncomfortable because we are alone, but we spend a small amount of time on our own. We should take a good break. We should guard our emotions and give ourselves the time we need in order to heal.

It will not be easy to converse about.

It may be quite hard to converse about what the relationship with such a narcissistic person has been like, especially with our family, friends, or other loved individuals in our lives. However, here is the truth we should carry with us: we aren’t forced to tell anything to anyone unless we are prepared.

Recovery will not be easy.

This may be the most significant thing which we should know when we go into single life right after we left our partner. It will not be easy to simply get over this emotional trauma caused by the fact that we were with a narcissistic person, particularly if he or she was regularly abusive too. Although it will be a quite long path, we may count on ourselves and other people to help us through.

There is a path ahead.

When we leave a narcissist, we will feel like we have found a new path forward. However, it is a path where we cannot see the end. We will need time in order to walk this entire path; however, we can do that. We should believe in ourselves, take it slowly, and lean on really good people.

We don’t need to hide our feelings.

A narcissistic person will not care about our feelings, and when we meet a narcissist that seems to really care about our feelings, it means that our feelings are similar to his or hers. A narcissistic person will sometimes react in a negative way to us expressing our feelings, which may leave us feeling afraid to express our thinking and feeling. However, now that we have left that person aside, our emotional lives will start again. We should not feel afraid to share our feelings.

We will need time in order to rebuild our self-esteem.

There will be times when a narcissist will seek to completely destroy our self-esteem, trying to mold us into the type of individual that actually gives in to his or her wants without any question. We may even find ourselves feeling unattractive, unwanted, and stupid after the relationship with such a person.

We will need good individuals.

A narcissist is not always a bad person. With good internal efforts, a narcissist may change himself or herself, and become a better person. However, the chances are, he or she will not try to change if we have just left him or her. So, we should ditch those individuals, and surround ourselves with good individuals, such as family, friends, co-workers, etc. Being with such people will be really helpful.

We were apologizing for more than we should.

Saying “I’m sorry” will be the music for narcissist’s ears. A narcissist will want us to feel afraid to stand up for ourselves, which definitely means we were apologizing for more than we were supposed to, and we were approving things we would rather not approve.

Smiles will not come easy too.

Leaving any type of relationship may be devastating quite a lot, even when we are happy with that decision. We may need some time, but our smile is going to come back. We should not feel afraid to start smiling when we feel that the concerns we had started disappearing. It is going to feel excellent, even when we will need some time to return our smile.

Trust may also not come quite easy.

After we end the relationship with the narcissistic partner, we may find it hard to trust other people. A narcissist is often two-faced, and he or she will say one thing but do another, and fill our head with so many lies, in order to alert our behavior. However, there are a lot of people we can trust out there. Although it will take time, we will start trusting in humanity once again.

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