Home Consciousness Your Horoscope For The 2022 Cancer Season Is Here

Your Horoscope For The 2022 Cancer Season Is Here

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Cancer Season is coming with a relaxing and refreshing breath of fresh air.

However, each zodiac has its own traits to care for during this season. Knowing what they are will let you be best prepared for this month’s events.


There will be an enormous amount of dense cosmic energy sent to you when the season starts. How you deal with it will reflect on whether you feel energized or depleted. Try to avoid turning a blind eye to things and listen to your emotions.


One of this season’s most important events is the alignment of Uranus and the North Lunar Node in your sign. This event will show us the path to the highest destiny of our lives. You might feel like you are heading deep into unknown territory, but rest assured this is where you will find the greatest stability.


There will be the usual temporary lull in energy since the Sun has just left your sign. However, with Venus’ entry, your magnetism, attractiveness, and creativity. All the cosmic events of this season will be stimulating your intellect.


Happy Birthday! You will be feeling an energy boost because of it, particularly if your birthday is near the Solstice on June 21st. Use the energy to reset your system. Try to seek out structure and stability.


This is the final step in your solar journey. As a result, you might see things culminating, and a need to look back at the past. Neptune Retrograde can be a beneficial period when lies get exposed. Finally, July 13th’s Full Moon might be heavy but a good chance for some grounding.


Cancer season is usually a harmonious period for you. If you feel exhausted after the previous few month’s busyness, then this will be a great chance to regroup and make a better-balanced routine. July 13th’s New Moon will be particularly supportive of this.


This Cancer Season can see you looking at yourself as you check for imbalances or things that are energy-draining. The previous months have seen a host of transformations and changes. Only now are you beginning to feel them. Furthermore, by the time July ends, things might be a bit unstable so try to finish up projects by early July.


Cancer season will have a lighter air waiting for you. Use it by spending time with family and friends or maybe even small retreats. Water, as well as the mountains, will all feel very recharging. The Sirius Gateway will be a great time for exceptionally psychic people to receive messages from the beyond.


The upcoming season can be a time for cooling and calmness. The keyword will be surrender. Keep your focus on things in your control and forget about anything else. Use the watery vibes of Cancer to flow along. Sagittarius are also natural learners, so the Sirius Gateway will be a great chance to act on it.


Directly opposite to Cancer is your sign, Capricorn. As such, it is always special. This period sees energy being channeled into our relationships and some parts of our lives. Focus on your outside during this time and think if it is aligned with your inside.


The theme of Saturn is pushing you to take responsibility for your lives. This Cancer Season will see a lot of chances to reset and reconnect with the feminine side. This will be the chance to own every part of yourself.


The Neptune retrograde can prove to be beneficial as it means heightened creativity as well as allowing us to view a deeper and higher truth. The opening of the Sirius Gateway will be a time when natural intuitives may see prophetic dreams.

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