Home Consciousness The Astrological Significance Of The 2022 New Moon In Leo

The Astrological Significance Of The 2022 New Moon In Leo

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The July 28th New Moon in Leo is among the most pleasant New Moons in quite a while.

The lunation embodies vibrations of creativity, joy, and abundance. It is one of the most ideal lunations for assessing where our life is and where it should be going.

At times, life seems like a blur. There is an overwhelming rush that sweeps us away along with our beliefs and the consequences of our actions. However, this New Moon is going to provide a window to take a break and think about our lives’ direction.

Think about whether the current direction is satisfactory, joyful, and inspirational. Or, perhaps, it is only a force of habit. Regardless of the nature of the answer, we will find support in the Leo New Moon. It will help you through anything that you want to change or try out.

The Lion symbolism can also be viewed as a compass for the direction of our lives. It encourages us to be confident, proud, and fierce. It pushes us to show our true shine after shedding our burdens and other superficial obstacles in the way.

The Positive Side Of The Lunation

During this lunation, Black Moon Lilith and Venus are traveling companions. This will further push us to connect with and display our honest selves, particularly when it comes to feminine qualities. However, Jupiter is the planet that will be most active. As such, we will be guided to imbue a greater amount of heart energy into our world. It can definitely do with quite a substantial amount of heart energy.

To make the best use of the lunation’s energy, focus on your heart center during the New Moon. Try to hear the heart’s whispers. A quick but powerful exercise to establish a connection with the heart is simply closing your eyes. Breathe deeply 3 times and place the hand over the heart. Then ask the heart about its most urgent need.

Shortly after the lunation, Jupiter retrograde will begin, resulting in even stronger and more influential vibrations. Astrology says Jupiter has a close association with optimism and seeing the silver lining. So if you are facing a challenge right now, then use the lunation to find a more hopeful or positive side to the issue.

The Challenging Side Of The Lunation

However, with the harmonious energy waves of the New Moon comes a more unsettling background force. It is caused by the conjunction between the North Node and Uranus.

The upcoming lunation might be nice, but it may not be able to protect us completely from the destined upheaval that will happen because of the conjunction.

The conjunction’s central theme will be about raising the destiny of the collective. The things which we usually felt to be extremely reliable might suddenly feel quite a bit unreliable.

The things and values that our society is built upon are changing. However, this will all culminate in an attempt to raise the collective consciousness to a higher level. It will try to push us towards a raised timeline in the path of destiny.

This journey will definitely have some chaos. The upcoming Leo New Moon might just be a time when a bit of that chaos gets triggered. Keep in mind, though, that the lunation will present a silver lining to you.

So, even if the world feels kind of rocky and unsettling, energies are rising all around you. Try to challenge yourself and find a flicker or sliver of light from inside the storm.

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