Home Consciousness Your Horoscope for Sagittarius Season 2022

Your Horoscope for Sagittarius Season 2022

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The previous season made us wonder about ourselves on the deepest levels.

There could have been instances where we found ourselves questioning the things that we do and the reason behind doing them. This would lead to us uncovering unconscious behavior patterns while gaining a far more profound understanding of what makes us human. 

Now, the information and knowledge that we acquired during the season of Scorpio can be used with the Sun moving into Sagittarius. The season in Sagittarius will begin on the 22nd of November and will last all the way till the solstice on the 21st of December.

As we know, this zodiac is symbolized by the Archer’s arrow. The archer lines up the shot and aims it meticulously in the direction that they want the arrow to go. Once the arrow is released, there is nothing anyone can do about it- so they wait and watch if fate plays in their favor. 

So, what does the Sagittarius Season have in store for the Zodiacs?


With Jupiter in your corner, you should be receiving the best energies that are out there- which will help you create opportunities, receive abundance, as well as expand one’s life. You should absolutely put this energy to productive use.


The cosmic energies will be hitting you hard, but there is a possibility that you already know this and have made preparations in advance. The planet of Uranus will be in your zone, so you should have some semblance of freedom, and change. But remember, they can also make you feel restless and uncertain. 


Since Sagittarius is just opposite to your position, this season will be quite important to you. The light from the planet will help you look at your relationships in a completely different way. So- try to keep an open mind. 


For Cancer, this is the perfect time to rest and relax. If you end up taking life too seriously, this could be the perfect moment for you to sit back and watch the Sunset. Loosen up, and allow yourself to breathe. 


You will want to do a lot of things in one go, so it is important that you know where your heart is set. Commit to a single thing, and finish it in this season.


This season will be bringing new energy into your life, which will leave some space for new inspiration to your being. This is the time when you should express yourself to the fullest- bringing in ideas that you have kept hidden inside yourself. 


Teaching could be your way of life- and this could also pave a path for you to truly express who you are. Teaching others would allow you to touch the deepest parts of yourself- taking you further in your journey. 


Celebrate the season because you have been a busy bee for the last few months. Plan a party, and have all of your friends around you. 


This is your time under the Sun, so you need to manifest. Remember to manifest from the bottom of your heart, so that there is a higher chance of it coming to fruition.


You will be coming across a phase in life when reflection would be integral. Start reflecting on your journey, and wrap up the things that you have been working on for so long. The next season will be yours- so you need to be as fresh as possible. 


Do the things that have been placed before you, and know that Saturn is looking over you. You need to take responsibility for your actions, but remember, there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 


The energy from Jupiter would be quite fortuitous for your journey. But remember, it might go away if you blink too hard. So capture it and feel the good luck seep into your bones. 

So, how are you going to spend the Sagittarius Season? Write to us in the comments below. 

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