Home Consciousness What To Do When Your Twin Flame Lives Half The World Away From You

What To Do When Your Twin Flame Lives Half The World Away From You

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Distance is a worry for many these days. Due to advances in communication, we can now talk to people who live in different countries by just tapping a screen.

Social media, instant messaging and video calling applications have ensured that even a relationship which is held back due to the lack of proximity is very much possible. 

By reducing the distance between people, technology has made it possible to strengthen the connection between people so that relationships don’t taper away due to the lack of communication. We just have to keep in touch so as to ensure that the energy of the twin flame is sent through our words and videos. 

What Do You Do When Your Twin Flame Is Far Away?

There Can Never Be A Real Separation Of Twin Flames

Never forget that you can never actually be separated from your twin flame. Even when you’re worlds away from each other, you will always be able to sense their presence around you. A long distance relationship between twin flames need not be difficult at all. 

Give Them Their Space

Now that there is so much distance between you to, you might think that you need to put a lot more effort into your relationship so that it lasts. As you continue to think about your partner and their whereabouts, this might just become all that you think about. Obsessing only leads to you creating friction because you are unable to trust them as before. 

Rather, all you need to do is live your life. Stick to your passions, make time for your loved ones and communicate with your partner whenever both of you are free. Remember, absence does make the heart grow fonder. 

Plan Out Your Visits

A major draw back in such a case is that partners don’t plan visits every now and then. While you might be able to meet only once a fortnight or once in six months, you need to plan out these visits so that the both of you can be happy. It will give you both something to look forward to when you miss each other and a sense of excitement will develop when the time to meet draws closer. 

Light And Uncomplicated

Have fun and keep things uncomplicated. When you are communicating with your Twin Flame, infuse your words and emotions with positivity. Tell each other about all the exciting things in your lives and don’t focus on anything toxic. Unnecessary trouble can be hard to solve when you are so far away from each other.

Cord Cutting Is Impossible

Your Twin Flame is the other half of your very soul and you cannot cast them away in the same way that you cannot cast away your beating heart. The Universe itself will not stand for the cords of a twin flame relationship to be cut. Many twin flames trip up when they believe that their relationship is falling apart. They’ll try to put distance between themselves or in the worst case, they will not remain faithful. 

A Balancing Act

It is essential that you find a balance when you are physically separated from each other through distance. Twin flame relationships can be difficult as there are many challenges to get through before being rewarded with a love that is true and strong and pure. Only after you’ve gained an understanding of these challenges will your spirituality develop. When this happens, you will realize that you’ve never actually been separate at all. As twin flames, you will always find your way back to each other. 

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