Home Consciousness Chiron Meets The Sun – Wounded Healer Meets The Burning Core Of Your Being

Chiron Meets The Sun – Wounded Healer Meets The Burning Core Of Your Being

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Chiron is a wounded centaur in mythology, but don’t mistake his wounds for weakness. Chiron has learned to transform his wounds into strengths over the course of his life.

He has learned that, while he cannot change the past or heal his wounds, he can use his spiritual strength to transform them into powerful allies on his journey.

As the poet Rumi once said, “The wound is where the light enters you,” and this is also Chiron’s message.

Despite his wounds, Chiron rose to become a powerful healer because he had empathy and understanding of what it meant to be broken, to suffer, and to rise above it.

Because his wounds gave him the ability to heal and help others, Chiron is known as the “wounded healer.”

Chiron is an asteroid in Astrology that represents the traumas and wounds in our lives that we cannot change.

These wounds may have occurred to us as children, they may be related to the people around us, they may be things from our past, or they may simply be the result of many life challenges.

Whatever wounds we have received on our life journey, Chiron reminds us that they are not weaknesses, but rather things that make us stronger, more compassionate, and more connected to the Universe.

These wounds are an integral part of who we are. They do not have to be healed and wrapped in a pretty bow. Instead, they are the aspects of ourselves that we must accept; they are the aspects of ourselves that we must love.

Because it is only when we stop licking our wounds and own them that we can transform them into strengths and let the light in.

Chiron in Aries

Chiron is currently in Aries and will remain there until 2027. Under this energy, he asks us to stop touching and fussing over our wounds and instead get on with our lives.

Chiron encourages us to forge ahead into new territory under the guidance of this fiery Aries energy. He encourages us to birth the warrior within and to remember the strength, wisdom, and compassion that our wounds can bring us.

Chiron wants to teach us that we can live our lives to the fullest even if we are wounded by this energy. He wants us to know that even with our wounds, we can do it all.

When certain circumstances arise, it can be tempting to feel sorry for ourselves or play the victim, especially when we have no control over them.

We can’t change who our family is, we can’t change the past, and we can’t change other people’s actions or behavior.

All we can do is accept responsibility for ourselves and learn to be grateful for what we have. All we can do is accept our situation and learn to be at ease with whatever comes our way.

The Sun Chiron Conjunction 2023

The Sun and Chiron will collide on April 5, 2023. This will be a watershed moment in which we will feel the full impact of the new Chiron cycle.

Pay attention to what happens to you on this day. Take note of how you are being challenged to rise above your pain and suffering and move forward with confidence and conviction.

Chiron’s transit through Aries reminds us that we are only as powerful as we believe we are. It reminds us that our wounds don’t have to be constantly touched or poked at, and that we don’t have to “fix” everything; instead, we can learn to just get on with things, to keep moving forward without feeling restricted.

When Chiron completes its journey in Aries, we will all have had the opportunity to change our approach to healing and see our healing journey in a new light.

Perhaps we don’t need to keep digging deep; perhaps we don’t need to keep looking for the next thing that will alleviate all of our worries and suffering.

Perhaps this new mode of healing is simply learning to accept ourselves as we are. Perhaps this new mode of healing is based on the belief that healing can happen naturally when we learn to accept things as they are.

Life is full of adversity. But that’s fine. It’s perfectly fine. It’s a part of our lives. Let us use it to grow stronger, wiser, and more compassionate to others.

Let us celebrate the wounds that have shaped us and remember that we are always perfect, whole, and exactly where we need to be.

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