Home Consciousness Find Out How the Cancer New Moon, July 2023, Will Affect the Zodiacs Love Life This Week

Find Out How the Cancer New Moon, July 2023, Will Affect the Zodiacs Love Life This Week

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Let it be what it is.

Your weekly love horoscope for July 17 – 23, 2023 is available for all zodiac signs. This week’s main theme is acceptance. While it isn’t overly romantic to let everything be what it is rather than trying to fix or change it — this week we learn that letting go of control is a liberating act of self-love.

It’s so easy to get stuck in a cycle of working to improve a relationship without questioning why or even if that’s what you want; however, the moment you stop, the truth can finally pour out.

The week of July 17-23, 2023, is full of pivotal moments and dramatic shifts in energy; however, the theme here is to slow down, listen to your heart, and feel your emotions. You must journey through your emotional depths in order for someone to fall in love with all of your parts. You must first heal any wounds that are preventing you from connecting or accept a peaceful, safe love.

You will always attract what you believe you deserve and what you believe love is; however, what you believe you deserve changes as you change and grow. Make a list of the major themes and meanings in your life so that you can process what love means to you.

Nothing is a coincidence, and whatever emerges this week is critical because it is all part of a larger scope of transformation. Lean into self-care and learn how to be alone, even in a relationship. Start peeling back the layers of your heart so that when you emerge from the darkness, you’ll know exactly what love should be — and you’ll have no trouble choosing it.

Weekly love horoscopes for July 17 – 23:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Best day for love: Monday, July 17, 2023

It’s difficult to accept the truth, but you know in your heart that you can’t ignore it any longer. To be able to accept what is coming your way right now, you must understand that things could not have gone any other way. You did your best, and while the purpose of everything isn’t what you expected, you’ve learned your lessons and are ready for the next chapter of your life.

The New Moon in Cancer focuses on your home, family, and healing sectors, ushering you into the final stages of clearing to make room for the life you truly want to live. Don’t undervalue what’s possible, whether it’s love or simply happiness; everything is available to you right now if you just take the next step.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Best day for love: Saturday, July 22, 2023

It is best if you are clear about what you want for your life so that you are not sending out confusion into the universe. While it is natural to be afraid or to put up walls from time to time, you will only receive the vibration you send out. Think big, but most of all, feel huge. You must be the one to claim what you desire, especially in your romantic life.

The Sun enters Leo during the week of July 17 – 23, bringing you boldness and courage in your pursuit of taking on the role of leader in your life. Don’t be shy, and don’t be afraid to speak your dreams into existence. You are fully supported in feeling confident and capable of dealing with whatever arises, as well as creating something new, as long as you remember you have this power.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Best day for love: Monday, July 17, 2023

When it comes to your romantic life, the decisions you make are always solely based on how you feel about yourself. This isn’t what you say you deserve or believe you deserve, but what you truly feel. You must not know you are excellent, but feel it; once you do, your entire vibration shifts to one in which what isn’t meant for you cannot even reach you. It also means that you will be able to receive what is.

During the week of July 17 – 23, the New Moon in Cancer activates your sector of confidence and self-worth, giving you the feeling that a long journey home is finally coming to an end. You’ve overcome your fears and wounds, and you’re finally returning home, knowing you’ve always been worthy.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Best day for love: Saturday, July 22, 2023

Your romantic life has been undergoing significant transformation as you embrace more purpose for yourself. This has been the transition from codependency to autonomy, where you’ve learned that you deserve to have your needs met and to pursue your dreams — rather than putting them on hold for someone else. As much as this has tested you since Pluto returned to Capricorn as part of its retrograde, you know in your heart that this is the path you’re meant to take.

You will feel energized to continue your path of self-discovery during the week of July 17 – 23, when the confident Sun enters the zodiac sign of Leo, lighting up your sector of self-worth and value. Remember that the person who is meant for you will always help you become more of who you are, not less of who you are.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Best day for love: Monday, July 17, 2023

Things you ignore in your relationship or your view of love do not go away. Instead, they become an insurmountable mountain exacerbated by your attempt to pretend they don’t exist. You must be willing to face everything in order to progress to the next level of love. It would be best if you could pull back the curtain of illusion and embrace the truth, no matter how frightening or ugly it may be. You will be putting yourself in a position to make the changes you desire by doing so.

The New Moon in Cancer on July 17 shines a bright light of truth into the deepest part of your life, which governs secrets, dreams, and intuition. It’s time to value what’s true and how you feel. By embracing what arises during this lunation, you’ll be in a better position to improve things or even attract the relationship you truly desire.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Best day for love: Monday, July 17, 2023

Your romantic journey has felt long, and while you may be wondering when it will end so you can be happy, you’re missing the point entirely. Your current path to love, relationships, and the lessons you’re learning isn’t one of embracing your ultimate happiness and becoming wiser as a result. It also carries with it the realization that there will never be a perfect time in the future when everything will fall into place perfectly, creating the atmosphere of happiness you desire. Instead, it comes down to accepting that, even if your love life is not what you expected, there is more than enough here to be grateful for right now.

During the week of July 17 – 23, the North Node, which governs your dharma and fate, moves into Aries, prompting you to reflect more deeply on intimacy, long-term relationships, and themes of transformation. This is your ticket to embrace more of the present moment and to let go of the beliefs that keep you from realizing you already have a lot of what you’ve always wanted.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Best day for love: Monday, July 17, 2023

You’ve been working through many lessons in love over the last year or so, particularly advocating for yourself, forgiveness, and learning that you don’t have to accept wounds as the best you’ll ever receive. It’s a difficult journey, especially when your head knows something but your heart refuses to accept it. While it has been frustrating, you have been showing up for yourself and doing your best, which is about to pay off as the North Node moves into Aries from July 17 to 23, 2023.

The North Node represents your fate, and your sister sign, Aries, illuminates your romantic sector of relationships. Even if you’ve been wondering what it meant or if you were on the right track, this will confirm who you are. The North Node in Aries will help you get closer to the relationship, person, and life that is meant for you. All you have to do is accept it, believing that everything happens for a reason.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Best day for love: Monday, July 17, 2023

So much romantic growth and change has occurred in the last few years that it has been difficult to discern the ultimate purpose. You’ve remained focused on yourself throughout it all, trying to grow and improve. This has been exacerbated by both the North and South Nodes activating yourself and romance sectors, but as they begin to shift, many of those lessons are finally becoming clear. You are not responsible for the growth of others, but you are responsible for your own, which will carry you through this new energetic wave.

You will experience a profound shift within yourself as the Nodes change zodiac signs this week, with the North Node activating themes of well-being and the South Node moving into your sector of the unconscious, dreams, secrets, and intuition. The only thing working against you is something you’re not aware of. As this begins, you will feel a pull to see things differently, more honestly, allowing you to take the growth of the last few years and truly apply it to creating the life and relationship of your dreams.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Best day for love: Monday, July 17, 2023

There’s a lot going on in your life right now, as you’ve been going through a significant transformation in your romantic life. While so much appears to be unknown, the universe will assist you in making these changes. You must, however, ensure that you are also following its rules. You don’t like to be associated with rules, but this time it’s the laws of the universe rather than the laws of man that you try to follow. Pay attention to your motivation, your level of integrity, and even themes of honesty and transparency in your life, because everything you do now will be part of a larger story in the next two years.

During the week of July 17 – 23, as the North Node moves into Aries and the South Node into Libra, you’ll notice themes emerge in your sectors of joy and commitment, as well as your social circle and reputation. All of this is related to making the necessary decisions and being mindful that you are doing so as your best self. Things will soon improve, especially if you remember that you must first become the best in order to attract the best.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Best day for love: Monday, July 17, 2023

It’s difficult to have hope when it appears that no matter what you’ve done, you’ve ended up in the same place. That, too, can be a matter of perspective. Look for areas where you’ve grown rather than those where you believe you still have a long way to go. You don’t have to take on all of the challenges in the relationship, and if you open up to your partner, you might discover that nothing is as big as you thought.

It’s difficult to believe in yourself when it appears that no matter what you’ve done, you’ve always ended up in the same place. That, too, can be determined by one’s point of view. Look for areas where you’ve progressed rather than those where you still believe you have a long way to go. You don’t have to take on all of the relationship’s challenges, and if you open up to your partner, you may find that nothing is as big as you thought.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Best day for love: Saturday, July 22, 2023

You already know you’ve come a long way from the person you used to be, but you’re wondering what that means for the rest of your journey. You are not required to have a detailed plan. All you have to do is be open to receiving whatever the universe has to offer. When it comes to love, it means making room for your relationship to develop. Consider why it is valuable, and then accept that no one is perfect. They may be ideal for you if they consistently show up to grow together.

This week sees a lot of Leo activity as the Sun enters this passionate fire sign alongside Venus, who begins its retrograde journey in Leo. As the Sun assists you in embracing an attitude of courage and passion, you will be fully supported to take on the reflection and lessons of this time. While you should never feel like you’re fighting for your relationship, that doesn’t mean you won’t have to work hard to achieve what you’ve always wanted.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Best day for love: Monday, July 17, 2023

It’s time to remember what really matters in life because the sooner you do, the more easily it will attract you. When it comes to love and relationships, it’s common to feel like you’re always working for what you want or that you’re not being given what you genuinely need from the person in your life. This can romanticize pain and lack in a relationship to the point where you forget that true love will never make you feel that way. It will instead meet you where you are and only add to what you already have.

This week, July 17-23, 2023, be willing to let go of the illusion that love must be difficult or complex in order to be excellent. Those incredible love stories come together so quickly that it sometimes feels too good to be true, but it is. You must frequently travel through your heartbreaking lessons to realize that the love you seek is the one who efficiently brings peace and balance to your life. This is a return to joy, to your creative nature, and to the realization that you are here to love, so it should never feel like a battle.

Most romantic days this week:

Monday, July 17, 2023

The New Moon in Cancer invites you to enter your heart and accept your inner worthiness. Cancer represents your home, family, and emotional body. The Moon in this watery sensitive sign allows you to remember how to nurture yourself. While it is common in relationships to reflect on whether your needs are being met, a more important aspect of them is whether you can meet them.

To fully express yourself as your best self, you must first be able to care for yourself in all the ways you require or desire. Otherwise, you’ll always approach love with a sense of deficiency. Use this lunation to reconnect with your inner peace and to lean into the love and care you can give yourself.

You are increasing the ferocity; the North and South Nodes change signs today, indicating a major shift in your journey and consciousness. The North Node governs fate or dharma, while the South governs karma or the lessons you brought into this lifetime.

As they prepare to enter Aries and Libra, the collective theme of I versus we, as well as the need and desire to form healthy dynamic partnerships, will be exemplified. This is only the beginning of one of the most significant astrological shifts of the year, and it occurs during the New Moon in Cancer, which adds power, intensity, and emotional significance. Don’t be afraid to change everything to achieve your goals.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Venus, the planet of love, governs relationships and all romantic matters. Depending on which zodiac sign Venus is in, your relationships will change, as will your approach to love. Venus in Leo has been assisting you in advocating for yourself and even speaking up when you would normally remain silent. It’s a time for significant changes in your romantic life and the ultimate balancing of the scales, as you no longer hold back from saying what you really want or need to say.

On Saturday, July 22, Venus begins its retrograde in Leo, a forty-day and forty-night journey through the underworld away from the light of the Sun. This is a journey of truth, and not every relationship will be able to survive it — but it is also a time of advancement. Venus only retrogrades every two years, making this an important period of reflection in your romantic journey. With the Nodes changing signs, there’s an even stronger influence indicating that a cycle is truly ending, and whether you fully embrace it or drag your feet, Venus retrograde will make it clear that you finally see it.

This is nothing to be concerned about, as Venus retrograde only serves to balance the karmic scales. Nothing that leaves your life is intended for you. Instead, the universe is constantly on your side in terms of who is meant to be in your life — and who is not.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

It is often the small moments of love that mean the most, rather than the big ones. Moments when you can rejoice in your bond or recognize that it no longer exists — and they are frequently brought about by your growth. Chiron, also known as the wounded healer, begins its retrograde journey in Aries today. You are about to enter a period of intense reflection and change. However, it does not guarantee ease, but rather that the universe fully supports you in continuing on your path, even if you have no idea where it will lead.

Chiron in Aries frequently brings wounds to the surface that require the most profound healing; however, retrograde can bring shame, powerlessness, or even frustration. The key is to look for the purpose in your feelings, as this will always point you toward what needs to change in your life.

Make friends with your demons during Chiron’s retrograde in Aries. With Venus retrograde and the Nodes changing signs, you may feel out of sorts the week of July 17, as if you’re having a night of the soul or that no one understands. All of this only drives you to confront the aspects of yourself that require your love the most. You will be able to heal your relationship by leaning into your own healing.

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