Home Consciousness Chiron, the Wounded Healer, Is Retrograding and It’s All About Empowering Your Inner Warrior

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, Is Retrograding and It’s All About Empowering Your Inner Warrior

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

On July 23, 2023, Chiron will station retrograde in Aries, in the midst of some incredibly significant and intense cosmic energies.

The Lunar Nodes changing signs, the Cancer New Moon, the Sun moving into its home sign of Leo, and Venus Retrograde all occur just days before Chiron, the wounded healer, enters retrograde motion.

All of this energy will amplify Chiron’s healing work, allowing some of our most painful heartbreaks to be channeled into something new.

Chiron will remain retrograde until December 26, 2023, at which point we should have gained deeper wisdom, compassion, and understanding from whatever our wounds were attempting to teach us.

Let’s take a closer look at Chiron’s energy and what to expect when it goes retrograde in 2023.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer

The asteroid Chiron is named after the centaur Chiron, and the story of Chiron can help us understand the energy it emits.

According to legend, Chiron was abandoned at birth and left to fend for himself. Chiron was unwanted and unloved, but it was through the pain of abandonment and a difficult upbringing that he was able to rise and transform his wounds into powerful portals of healing.

Chiron’s wounds laid the groundwork for his role as a powerful healer, teacher, psychic, and philosopher.

Chiron was able to use his wounds to guide him in the direction of power. Chiron knew his wounds would never heal, so he turned them into portals of wisdom, compassion, and learning. That is why Chiron is known as the wounded healer.

We all have the same abilities as Chiron. Each of us has the ability within us to transform our wounds and pain points into a source of power.

As the poet Rumi says- the wound is where the light enters you.

Chiron in our Cosmic Skies

Chiron revolves around Saturn and Uranus. Chiron’s position between Saturn and Uranus is important in understanding the energy it brings.

Saturn is a very grounded, rooted energy, whereas Uranus is a higher vibrational planet. The energy of Uranus can also cause awakenings and the rise of kundalini energy.

Chiron, also known as the Rainbow Bridge, can act as a bridge between these two states of being.

The Rainbow Bridge represents the link between one state of consciousness and the next, and this idea is heightened when we consider Egyptian Astrology.

Chiron is also known as Anpu or Anubis in Egyptian Astrology, the god of the afterlife and lost souls.

Many myths and legends used in Western astrology can be traced back to Egyptian and Babylonian astrology, with Anubis serving as Chiron’s counterpart.

Anubis, like Chiron, was abandoned as a child. Anubis was able to rise to the noble position of Guardian of the Underworld as a result of his painful upbringing.

Anubis’ job was to greet the newly deceased in the underworld and guide them through the transition to the afterlife.

It takes a special soul to be given such a position, and no doubt, Anubis’ own pain and suffering helped him develop the compassion, discernment, and loyalty necessary to guide souls through such a journey.

We can access our own wounds as Chiron or Anubis travels retrograde to reflect on how to use them as a source of power and healing.

This energy is not about achieving perfection through healing, but rather about acknowledging and accepting our wounds in a way that allows us to access the wisdom they can bring.

Chiron Retrograde in Aries

Chiron opposes healing because it will make us “better.” It desires that we learn how to use our wounds as powerful portals of wisdom, knowledge, and power. We can step into a greater and more complete potential by extracting this information.

Instead of trying to “fix” ourselves in order to be worthy, this level of healing work is about transcendence. We are already worthy, regardless of the wounds we carry.

Because Chiron is currently in the sign of Aries, the headstrong ram, this energy is amplified.

With Chiron in Aries, we are even more supported in finding the strength, confidence, and courage that can emerge when we face our wounds and see them as potential points rather than pain points.

Chiron in Aries reminds us that it is far more beneficial to allow our wounds to inspire, motivate, and strengthen us rather than viewing them as something that slows us down or makes us inferior in any way.

Wounds hurt, and some cut so deep that they never truly leave us, but that’s okay. We don’t have to be a neatly wrapped package to live the best life we can.

We can use this retrograde energy to recognize, not to sugarcoat, our wounds, but to recognize that, like Chiron and Anubis, our suffering can often lead us to the path of our destiny.

Reflect on what your wounds have taught you with this retrograde energy. Spend time getting to know your wounds. See if you can let go of any judgments and simply sit with the pain they bring up. As you become more at ease with this, consider what these wounds have taught you, how they have shaped you, and what wisdom they may have for you.

Allow your wounds to teach you wisdom and potential.

Chiron Retrograde Exercises

1. Think about a painful heartbreak you’ve been experiencing. Try to step outside of this heartbreak for a moment and identify five things you can learn from this experience.

2. Consider a difficult situation you may be in with another person. Set aside all other emotions and try to see the situation through the eyes of compassion for the other person. Take note of what comes up for you. Next, set aside all emotions and try to find compassion for yourself in this situation. Take note of what comes up for you.

3. Consider a painful wound in your past. What has this wound inspired you to do? How can it continue to inspire you in the future?

4. Journal Writing Prompts:

  • If my pain could speak, it would tell me…
  • When I consider my difficulties, I am thankful that…
  • Today I am stronger because…

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